Second chance 🥺

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I woke up and it was Saturday I was thinking about Kairi am how he sorry and he meant it but I felt like he didn't I felt like he just said it to make me feel better and then he will hurt me ughhhh we were fine why did he have to ruin everything then I got a call from him did I want to answer no do I fell like it yes
So I answered it
K:bri am-
B:I know your sorry but I just don't know
K:don't know what
B:I-its just I- ugh idk
B:why just why Kairi
K:I don't know bri I was gonna tell you I didn't want you to find out like that
B:Kairi why didn't you tell me right away why did you have wait
K:cause bri I was gonna tell you on Monday but-
B:on Monday is that why you didn't go to the party to hook up with that girl
B:no Kairi I just don't understand why don't you just get it
K:get what
B:forget about it
K:bri I never wanted to hurt you
B:I know your sorry  but after what you have done...
K:bri pls don't leave me
B:you were good to me idk what happen
B:why didn't you change
K:I didn't am sorry can we work things out
K:you'll see that am sorry if we talk things out in person
B:fine come over
K:okay see you there bye
Ughhh WHY THE FUCK did I let him come over jeezzz am a dumdass but we had to solve things out I tried of this shit I got out of bed and showered and changed

                  ^your outfit^ I went downstairs stairs when I heard a knock fuck I knew it was him this is about to get awkward real fucken fast I answered the door and he standing there with his eyes red looked like he has been crying B:Kai you...

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                  ^your outfit^
I went downstairs stairs when I heard a knock fuck I knew it was him this is about to get awkward real fucken fast I answered the door and he standing there with his eyes red looked like he has been crying
B:Kai you okay
B:come in
K:bri I didnt mean to hurt I didn't mean to start drama after these two girls cheated on me I knew I fucked up big time I should've have gone to the party and not made you worry about mean bri I should have never hurt you in the first place and am pretty sure by now am not important to you anymore
I was shocked and confused and   worried about him
B:who said you weren't important to me yeah you hurt me but I still care about you you hurt so much but in my heart I still love care for you
B:and who cheated
K:Emily kissed another dude Celia-
B:oh her name was Celia anyways carry on
K:okay Celia slept with two dudes I found out this morning I didn't know what to do so I called you
B:oh well in my heart I forgive you ig
Did I really want to forgive him no but it's at least I can do to fix this then I won't regret this rightt..??
K:that fast
B:um yeah
B:come on accept it or leave
K:oh I don't knowww
B:fine take it or leave it BITCH
k:there you go
We hugged and honestly I was happy he knew I didn't forgive at first cause every time I forgive someone I had to say a bad word anyways we hugged and we went to the mall
~kairis POV~
We went to the mall I honestly loved how she smiled yeah I had a crush on her then it faded away and I got some one else but they weren't the right  person I feel like bri is she is sweet funny chill person she always finds a way to make ppl happy I mean she makes me happy ugh the feelings are coming back I can't help it I grabbed her and she grabbed mine and we walked around it was the best day ever with her by my side I love bri probably more then a friend and prom is in a week probably we will be real fucken close...

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