We were talking and more people came and I started looking around so that Kairi comes I could leave "ya stop worrying his not gunna come close to you" Avani said "your right I don't wanna worry even tho we have 4 classes together" I said "your gunna be fine I promise" she said and she went in tik tok I decided to text Alvaro cause I usual don't talk to him Alvaro😎 Bri😇:hey Alvaro Alvaro😎:hey you ok Bri😇:I guess Alvaro😎:so that's a no Bri😇:yeah Alvaro😎:can I ask you a question Bri😇:sure what's up Alvaro😎:do you like Kairi or used to like him Bri😇:um... Alvaro😎:you don't need to answer that Bri😇:no it's fine uh yeah I like him Alvaro😎:oh ok gtg we heading to school bye!☺️ Bri😇:bye! *end of message* "Bri since we have like 40 mins until school starts and Starbucks is like 10 mins away wanna go" Avani said "hell yeah" I said and got off the table we skated to Starbucks "fuck it's cloudy and cold" I said "I know I think it's gunna rain" Avani "yeah I think so to" I said 10 mins later we made to Starbucks and we saw the boys and I was about to walk in when Avani covered my eyes and pushed me away from the door "Avani what the hell" I said "idc if your mad tell me what you want" she said and I giggled "Avani move I can do this" I said "no wai-" Avani said but I ran inside the I was shocked there they were Kairi and the girl hugged and they kissed Mattia saw me but he didn't say anything he took out his phone and I left Avani grabbed my arm and hugged me "am sorry Avani I should have listened to you" I said crying in her shoulders "hey it's fine you didnt know they were there just wait out here and I will go get our drinks ok" she said "ok" and she went inside *Avanis pov* I went inside and ordered I was waited and Mattia and Ale came up to me "hey where's bri" Ale asked "somewhere" I said "come on tells us" Mattia "no" I said "Avani is she crying cause I saw her" Mattia said "yeah of course she is you think she's fine that Kairi is hanging out with another girl and not solving this guys bri is hurt" Avani said and Kairi came up with girl "hey is bri here" I ignored him and looked at ale and Mattia and they had worried faces "exactly" I said "what happened" Kairi asked "Kairi why should you care you didn't even care so why should care right now she's already hurt" I said and went to asked when our drinks were ready and they gave me our drinks before I left I said something to them "just saying you hurt her I never seen her in this much pain" I said and left *end pov* Meanwhile I waited Avani I texted my mom cause she knew what to do Mom🥺💖 Bri💖:mom you busy? Mom🥺💖:yes baby but am available at 5pm call me or text me gtg go bye baby Bri💖:bye *end of message* I get why she is busy she works for the Army so she is always busy then Avani came out "let's go right now" she said I we left we made to school and we had 20 mins left so she dropped me off cause her class starts early I sat down and looked at the memories of me and Kairi I started crying and I went on insta a posted sum cause I haven't posted in a long time Lil.brii
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Liked by lilpapi.avani and 123.345 others lilpapi.avani:am here for you💖🥺 ^lil.brii reply:I know 🥺💔 User123:you ok💔 MattiaPolibio:🥺 User452:is it Mattia ^lil.brii reply:not him Loading more comments... The bell and it was art everyone came and Kairi but I didn't know the girl had this class me and Kairi sit the front he came but he sat behind I got my stuff went to the back "uh Mrs.bri back to your sit" my teacher said "Mrs can I talk to you outside" I said then she saw my eyes that they were red "uh no I understand why" she said and she started teaching and she said "draw what you feel and when your done draw something you wish you felt like" she said and Kairi looked at me and I looked back and I realized he didn't have the bracelet on "Mrs c-can I go to the b-bathroom" I said crying "sure sweetie" she and I ran out crying I was right am nothing to Kairi not even his friend I was in the bathroom for 5 mins and I went into class with my eyes red as fuck