I went back to class with my eyes red "uh bri are you ok sweetie" my teacher asked me "uh yeah" I said and sat down "alright class come up and get your canvas to draw on" my teacher said so I got up and the girl was in front of me I saw her hand and it had the bracelet I started crying and then I was next I wiped my tears fast as possible "sweetie bri are you sure your ok" she said "a-am fine j-just in pain b-but I will g-get trough it" I said with a fake smile "well if you want to go home or somewhere else just tell me ok" she said "ok" i said and grabbed my canvas and sat down and I started drawing what I felt like while I was drawing my teacher came up to me "hey um sweetie I know your going thru something but can you write 2 or more sentence on why you feel like that or why you want to feel like that" she said "sure" I said "ok am just worried" she said "don't be" I said and she walked away so I continued my drawings I finished one
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^first drawing^ I feel like this because am losing someone who meant the world to me but then I found out am nothing to him.Another reason is he has been there for me since 2nd grade and it's like he gave up and doesn't care about me and he found someone else and sometimes I feel like giving up in life and I just wanna let go of this pain am going thru. "Well good enough" I mumble and I did my other drawing of what I wish to feel like that one took sum time but I finished it
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^second one^ I wanna feel like this cause am almost forgetting how it feels like to be happy and I can't fake it cause it's not the same with all this pain inside and losing someone.Another thing is I won't go thru all this pain am going thru and I will live my life happy with no pain and I wanna that way but I can't with the pain. "Wow I let out my feelings" I said to myself "uh Mrs I finished" I said and she came "aww bri am so so sorry sorry sweetie but class is about to be over so you can leave and if you want take these with you and come to my desk real quick" she said "ok I um I will be there let me pack my things" I said and she walked away I put everything away except my canvas cause I wanted to hold them and went to her desk "so um it's not really big or important but here's a note for 3 days of not coming to school cause I know your going through that pain is hard ok sweetie" she said and she sighed the note "ok thank you" I said "you have to sign it to so you can put it where Kairi is for now" she said and I couldn't so no soo I said "uh ok.." I said and didn't make eye contact and put them there *kairis pov* Bri put her drawings in front of me and I saw what she wrote and drew "wow I really hurt my best friend that I loved" I said to myself "oh get over her you will be happy with me" Emily said Emily is the gurl am talking to then Bri came "uh hey" I said "you might want this back" she said and it was the bracelet I gave her "why but I have mine on" I said and looked on my arm and it wasn't there "yeah you don't and you have found someone else and your happy" she said and walked away I was sad and worried that I actually lost her *end of pov* When I finished the note I went to Kairi and gave him the bracelet I started crying and went to the bleachers when the bell rang and Avani came looking for "BRI ARE YOU HERE!?" I heard Avani yell and I ran to her crying "why Avani he found someone else he gave up on me he gave the bracelet to someone else" I said to Avani crying in PAIN "I know but wanna skip school well I can't I have to take a test but right after that I will go to your house ok" she said "ok bye take care love you"I said walking away and I bumped into him "am sorry" I said "wait please" Kairi said "why kai so you can tell me you found someone else so you can tell me you gave up on me am sorry Kai but you hurt my I don't even know to it feels to be happy anymore" I said crying in pain and left school and made it home...