I woke up the next day showered put lil makeup on and put my outfit
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^ur outfit^ You called got a call from Kairi Kairi💖 K:bri B:que K:u busy B:uhh no why K:me and the boys are gonna hangout B:okay so you called me just say ur hanging out with the boys K:uh no wanted to ask if u want to come B:is Avani gonna go or do I ask her K:I told her she said she was busy B:oh but are we gonna for in the car? K:oh so it's me Mattia ale and you B:Robert is not going K:his parents wouldn't let him B:are u guys in ur way K:no B:well are u guys here K:no B:then hurry K:now were here B:I-okay am gonna be there in a min bye K:bye
*boys pov* M:Kai u know bri is talking to someone A:yeah K:deadass M:mhm K:who is he M:I don't know why would u care K:I don't M:then why do u wanna know the dude K:am just concerned A:concerned that she might date him and not feel the same way as u do K:... M:bro prom is coming up u would ask her before Trevor does K:Trevor is the guy and she didn't tell me A:you can't be mad K:why not M: I mean u didn't fuck Celia and got with Emily not telling her A:manz right dude she can move on but you my boy my have been cheated on twice K:why I don't care but Trevor doesn't even go to our school A:he does now M:he moved,tomorrow when we go to school he gonna be there K:oh HEY look it's bri M:we never talked abt this ig K:yes *end of POV* I got my stuff and went to the car they were for sure talking about something hopefully it not abt Trevor, Trevor is the guy am talking to not like on a dating way I think it's just he is new to our school so am gonna help him out yk be his friend and all that I got in the and we talked and we made it to the mall..
We went inside the mall we shopped met some fans and answered some questions Fan1:bri is it true you and Trevor are talking B:uhh yeah but- Fans:OMGGGG B:no no not like that Fans:bri I ship Fan2:I ship her more with Kairi but her and Trevor lowkey make a good couple Security:come you guys are kicked out the mall Fan5:KAIRI ARE YOU JEALOUS OR WORRIED BRI DOESNT FEEL THE SAME WAY ABOUT YOU
I heard a fan yell saying if Kairi was worried that I didn't feel the same way about him I was confused I looked back and back at Kairi and he just walked we made it out the mall and pulled Mattia aside to talk to him..
M:what B:did you hear what a fan said abt me not feeling the same way about Kairi M:uhh no no I didn't B:Mattia you were next to me M:ugh fine I did B.does Kairi like me? M:I can't tell u but let's say he wasn't that happy when I told him about Trevor B:u told him! M:I had to we were bored in the car waiting for your slowass B:so what u decided to talk about Trevor M:yes B:god Mattia I fucken hate you now let's go M:love you bri don't worry
The car ride wasn't that embarrassing or quite but I told Kairi if he wanted to come over he said yeah so the boys dropped us off at my house we went inside and went to the living room I decided to fix things up since he already knew about Trevor and me knowing he lowkey has feelings for me we sat down and started talking well I did...