Chapter 7

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As I'm walked to dixies room and opened the door, I see Charli in there talking with Dixie
Y/n- oh hey Charli, what are you doing here
Charli- I was supposed to take her to the doctors
Dixie- but we got to talking... and um
Charli/Dixie- we think we're sisters
Y/n- wait how do you know
Dixie- have you seen us
Charli- we weirdly look alike
Y/n- yea I can tell, but you don't know for sure
Dixie- my mom did say something about a sister a long time ago but I never payed attention
Y/n- how about this we will talk to josh about it and if it's true then you can come to heaven with me and Dixie and we will talk to board about it,ok?
Charli- sounds like a plan
Y/n- ok first let's take Dixie to the doctors
Charli-you also need to see him
Y/n- oh yeah
Dixie- what about
Y/n- my wing
Dixie- oh yea
We walked to the doctors and he saw Dixie first, he took some x-ray's of her arm
Doc- well, it looks like you fractured your arm (broke), we're gonna need to put a cast on it
Dixie- ok
The doctor got the supplies and started putting the cotton sleeve on, Dixie used her other hand to hold mine, he then started applying the outer part of the cast, soon later he was done
Doc- ok your all set, now I need to see,y/n
Y/n- that's me
He took me to take x-rays of my wing, it hurt a first but I sucked it up, soon it was over
Doc-So it looks like your wing is broken
Doc- your gonna need to take it easy, and try not to fly, it will heal faster if it's not better in 7 months come back and you might need surgery
Y/n- oh ok thank you
Charli,Dixie and I left and went to josh's room
Y/n- *knock*
Josh- come in
We walk in and see Jaden and josh talking
Josh- so how was the doctor's?
Charli-well there both broken
Josh- I'm so sorry
He got up and gave me a hug I hugged back
Y/n- it's fine I just don't know when I'll be able to use it again
Dixie- it will heal
Y/n- you don't know that
We let go of the hug, but some part of me didn't want to
Y/n- so what did you guys do while we were gone?
Jaden- we were coming up with a plan to sneak you in We just need the gate combination
Y/n- my dad works for the company that runs it so I know the code
Jaden- perfect
Josh- yeah *sarcasm*
Y/n- oh yeah we have to tell josh about our plan with you two
Charli- oh yeah, me and Dixie think that we are sisters
Y/n- do you have any documents of Charli
Josh- I think so.
We walk out of the room and into a old dusty library
Josh- here are all of the records of the people that work here
We opened the file and got out Charli's document
Y/n- Charli do you wanna read it?
Charli- you can
Y/n- you sure
Charli- yes
Charli and Dixie hold hands, I open it and read through it.
Y/n- omg
Dixie- what
Y/n- file #17
Charli damelio:
charli fell from heaven when she was 2 years old
due to the rule  violations she was not aloud to live in heaven anymore, there was no other option and i took her in and raised her as my own, Charli had an older sister Dixie Damelio, their family went to court but lost the argument.
I'm so sorry Charli
Charli let go of Dixies hand and hugged her begging to cry, I went over and hugged them
Josh- well your going back with Dixie no matter what
Charli- thank you josh
We soon cheered Charlie up and josh and I went to his room
Y/n- some part of me is going to miss this place
Josh- every part of me is going to miss you
Y/n-I'm going to miss you too
I hugged him and he picked me up and sat me on the bed
Josh- We have a big day tomorrow so get some rest
Y/n- fine
We both lied down and eventually fell asleep,

I hope you liked this chapter, a lot of thinks has happened, 😘 love ya

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