Chapter 9

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We walked to the room, josh went to his closet and gave me his shirt and I had shorts from Charlie, I went into the bathroom and took a shower,the whole time I thought about josh, dang it, I got out of the shower and put on the clothes I walked out and saw josh walking back into the room,
Josh- are you feeling better
Y/n- yes, thank you
I walk over to him and give him a hug, he hugged back, I soon let go and sat down on his couch
Josh- we're going to be leaving in less than an hour
Y/n- I'm gonna miss you
I go up and hugged him again, we were still hugging and everyone walked in
Chase- are we interrupting something?
Y/n- no
I pulled away
Y/n- how's your cast?
Dixie- it's fine how are you?
Y/n- I'm good
Josh- where's Bryce?
Jaden- he's busy with someone
Dixie- what
Chase- he's fucking a girl
Y/n- ok then
I walked over to Dixie and whispered to her
Y/n- can we talk
Dixie- sure
We walk outside
Y/n- whats up with you and Jaden?
Dixie- we like each other
Y/n- well we leave in a hour so your not going to see him again
Dixie- I know, how's you and josh?
Y/n-what about us?
Dixie- did you kiss him
Y/n- no and I don't plan on it
I walk back into the room and Dixie followed
Chase- I have to admit I'm gonna miss you three
Jaden- especially Charli
Chase- not only Charli
Jaden- oh yea y/n too
Chase- true
Y/n- why me
Jaden- bc me never got to fuck you
Josh- ok that's enough, your making her uncomfortable
Jaden- oop sorry
We all see the door open and Bryce walks in
Josh- you can come with us to the gate as long as your not a asshole
Bryce- that's just who I am
Charlie- oop guess you can't come
Bryce- fine I'll turn it down
Jaden- we should probably head to the train
Everyone- yeah
We leave the room, josh and I are behind everyone, I can see the pain in his eyes, I decide to hold his hand, he smiles at me and that smile, that cute smile, for some reason it always brings butterflies in my stomach
After a while of walking to the train, it was right out side of the castle, everyone gets on and josh puts the designation in the GPS, I hear a whisper in my ear from behind me
?-I'm really sorry about being a dick to you
I soon realize it was Bryce, I turn around
Y/n- it's ok
I turn back around and josh sits next to me
Y/n- how long is this trip going to take?
Josh-About 3 hrs
Y/n- wow *yawns*
I feel my eyelids getting heavy and I fall asleep on josh's shoulder

Josh's pov
I feel something on my shoulder, I look up and see that y/n fell asleep, why is she so cute when she sleeps, I rest my head on hers and fall asleep soon later
Pov over

Y/n's pov
I wake up and see josh's head on mine, he's so cute when he's sleeping I can't handle it, I look over and see Charlie with a nervous look on her face,I gently move josh's head against the window, and sit next to Charli
Y/n- Charli? What's wrong?
Charli- it's nothing
Y/n- you know you can tell me
Charli- I'm just really nervous
About meeting Dixies parents, what if they don't like me
I pull her close into a hug
Y/n- trust me, they will, they are two of the nicest people I know, and they will love you
Charli- thank you sm
i Let go of the hug
Y/n- and I can't wait for you to meet our friends
Charli smiles and I go back to sit with josh
Josh- where did you go?
Y/n- Charli was feeling nervous about seeing her real parents so I had to cheer her up
Josh- aww that's so sweet
Y/n- thank you, when will we get there
Josh- less than 5 mins
I let out a sigh just the thought of leaving all the friends I've made here and never seeing josh again makes me never want to leave
Josh- you'll be fine
I hug josh and he hugs back we stayed like this until we just reached the gates
Chase- ok we're here
We let go from the hug and got out of our seats, I get off the steps of the train last everyone was staring at me I hugged Bryce first
Y/n- thanks for always making are hangouts interesting, I'm going to miss you
Bryce- Np, good luck with the boring life
I walk over to chase as a tear drops from my eye, I hug him
Y/n- thank you for always making me uncomfortable, I think I'll miss you
Chase-*laughs* I'll miss you to
I then walk over to Jaden and give him a hug
Y/n- thank you for being the most caring and sweetest to me, also for helping me when I needed it
Josh- hey!
Y/n-2nd most caring*
Everyone- *laughs*
Jaden- thank you for being so nice, good luck with heaven I'm going to miss you, hell won't be the same without you
I let go from the hug, at this point tears are falling from my eyes like a waterfall, I walk over to josh
Y/n- josh... I'm going to miss you the most, thank you for showing me that everyone lied here, your nothing but sweet,kind, caring and... words can't explain how much I am deeply grateful that I met you
At this point he was also crying
Josh- I'm going to miss you, your the best thing that happened to me, nothing will be the same without you
Dixie and Charli already said there goodbyes and I let go of josh, we slowly walked to the gate, I put the code in 120406 and the gate opened, we walked through it very slowly, I could feel eyes on me,I stoped in my tracts,I turned around everyone looking at me shocked, I walked over to josh and went on my tippy toes trying to reach his face as
Y/n- deals a deal
Before he could say anything I kissed him, it was a slow but passionate kiss, he kissed back,our lips separated after and everyone looked at us shocked
Y/n- bye
Josh- bye
I walked back over and through the gates and closed them, I looked at josh on the other side of the closed gates and we just stared in each other's eyes, tears both fell from our eyes, Charli,Dixie and I quickly ran to our neighborhood

°I hope you liked this chapter, I wouldn't stop crying°

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