Chapter 3

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Dixie and I wake up
Dixie- *jumps* I forgot about your wings
Y/n- oh yea... hehe sorry
Dixie- it's fine
We walked down stairs and saw my mom she had just made breakfast, we sat down and started eating
Dixie- thank you so much
Y/n- yeah thanks mom
Mom- no problem sweethearts
As we were eating we heard the door bell ring
Mom- I'll get it
She opens the door to see Payton
Mom- oh hey sweetheart, come on in, I just made breakfast if you would like some
Payton- No thank you mrs.y/l/n
They both walk into the kitchen and we finished eating
Payton-*jumps* oh... my ... gosh
Dixie- what?!
Payton- y/n your wings
Y/n-oh yeah, hehe, they finished growing last night
Payton- there really pretty
Y/n- thank you
Dixie-Alright love birds lets go upstairs
Dixie pulls my arm up stairs along with Payton's
Y/n- Anthony said to meet him at the park
Payton-Just him?
Y/n- yeah
I didn't want to tell them them that he just invited me because I know Dixie likes him and I don't want Payton to get the wrong idea
Dixie- ok, Payton our we need to change
Payton- ok I'll be in the bathroom
Dixie and I changed into our new dresses
Dixie- alright Payton you can come out
Payton -ok
We walked down stairs and headed out the door
Y/n- bye mom see you later
Mom- ok honey be safe, love you
Y/n- love you too
All three of us walked to the park which wasn't that far away from my house *5 mins later* we arrived at the park and saw Anthony
Anthony- oh hey
Dixie- hi
Y/n- hi
Payton- oh hey
Y/n- POV
Payton and Anthony were kinda friends which was good, my mind kinda wandered and all I could think about was Payton
Dixie- right y/n
Y/n- excuse me
Dixie- your wings... they grew in
Y/n- oh... yeah right
I untucked my wings and say Anthony's month wide open
Anthony- wait how'd you get your so early
Y/n- I'm not sure
Anthony- there beautiful
Y/n- thank you
Payton- have you flown yet
Y/n- umm... once in the middle of the night
Dixie- yea.. she was so high up
Anthony- can you do it again
Y/n- um I don't really know how to
Payton- oh
Y/n- POV
I felt bad I should've flown for Payton maybe that would impressed him
Y/n- I could try...
Dixie- you sure
Y/n- no...
I concentrated really hard and before I knew it I was up in the air not really high but still in the air... flying
Anthony- omg
Payton- awesome
Dixie- be careful
Anthony- can you go higher?
Dixie- I don't think that's a good idea
I tried to get down but instead I went up
Y/n- oh no
Dixie- Y/N!!
I just kept flying
Dixie- try and stay calm maybe if you stay calm you'll come down
Payton- think positive
I closed my eyes,thought positive and stayed calm I opened my eyes and somehow I was moving right
Dixie- omg y/n
I started to freak out more and before I knew it my life flashed before my eyes, I was over the gate, I blacked out and that last thing I remember was Dixie yelling and me falling over the gate
I wake up against a hard floor a feeling I've never felt before, like, cold but, the opposite, We never had that feeling in heaven so I am confused. My sight is blurry and I can't really make out where I am, i try and look around and I see 3 blurry figures coming towards me.
???- oh she's cute
??- looks like she came from heaven
?-the king would be so pleased with her
Y/n- no please don't touch me
??-she's actually really hot for a angel
I get carried to a castle, I fall asleep due to the amount of pain I'm in.
I wake up in a room, it's empty dark
*knock knock*
I hear a knock at the door
Y/n- come in
I say in a very quiet voice
???- oh your awake good
I gave him a scared look and backed up a bit
???- don't be scared, I'm Jaden
I didn't say anything because I thought he would hurt me
Jaden- oh your wing
I look at my wing and it has a cut in it
Jaden- I'll be right back, ok? 
I nodded my head and he left, after about 5 minutes he came back but with two other boys
Jaden- hey it's me..
I gave him a light smile
He walked towards me with a bandage and a towel
Jaden- Don't worry I just wanna help fix your wing I promise
I looked in his eyes then back at the other boys behind him then back at him
??- *cough*
Jaden- oh right the one who coughed was chase and the other one is Bryce
I backed up a little after I saw chase give me a smirk
Jaden- can you not be all over her for once in your life
Chase- sorry but she's hot
Bryce- you have a girlfriend
Chase- still
Y/n- where am I
I say in a soft voice
Bryce- oh she talks
Jaden- don't be such an ass, your in hell
I gave him the most terrified look
Jaden- it's ok don't be scared
Y/n- I wanna go home
Jaden- that's not up to us, it's up to the devil
I started to cry in the thought of me not seeing Dixie,my mom, Payton again
Jaden- hey, it's ok don't cry
He gave me a hug, he quickly let go
Jaden- ok now let's fix your wings
Chase- so what's your name
Y/n- y/n
I whispered
Jaden- oh that's a pretty name
I gave him a weak smile while he fixed my wings
Bryce- wait, how old are you
Y/n- 15
I whispered again
Chase- wait hold up
Jaden- your 15 and you have wings
Bryce- how is that possible
I shrugged my shoulders, and Jaden finished helping my wings
Jaden- ok, your all set
I got up and gave him a hug and whispered
Y/n- thank you
In his ear
Jaden- no problem
Chase- now let's go meet the divil
I froze in my tracks
To be continued hope you like it so far 1106 words wow

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