Chapter 12

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Soon everyone left but Payton, we were in my room and my mom came in
Mom- oh I thought everyone left 
Y/n- oh well about that, um we need to talk to you
Mom- please don't tell me your pregnant
Payton-oh gosh no
Payton looked at me concerned
Payton- right?
Y/n- we've never done anything
Mom- so what's this about
Y/n- we're dating
Mom- aww congratulations, well I'm going to leave you too love birds alone
We laughed and she walked out
Y/n- so what do you
Payton- this..
He leaned in and kissed me, I pulled away
Payton- I'm sorry I shou-
Y/n- no, I'm sorry it's just early
Payton- don't apologize
At this point it got to awkward and he left I then changed into my pj's and fell asleep
Josh-y/n I'm so glad your back but why
Y/n- I missed you to much
Josh- I'm sorry but you don't belong here
Y/n- what do you mean
Josh- you have to go back you can't be in hell
Y/n- no
Nightmare over
I woke up and it was already morning I quickly got up and walked to school still thinking about my dream, was it going to happen like last time, or was it just fear taking over, I soon got to school and I saw Payton
Y/n- oh hi
I gave him a hug and we headed to class

I know it's short but I've been really busy lately and I so sorry
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