Just another day of school.

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Lizzie's POV:
I wake up to my screeching alarm clock. I really need to get that thing replaced — I think I'm starting to go deaf because of it. I check the time — and scream. Like, a painfully high pitched scream. I'm going to be late to class! I throw on my clothes and bag and rush out the door, grabbing a bagel on the way. "Love ya Mads!" I yell to my sister on the way. She just sighs and starts getting ready. She doesn't really care if she's late. At least, not as much as I care. I can't ruin my perfect attendance! Dad would kill me.

Le time skip of chocolate (to the last class of the day)
I love school! The people in it just suck. I get bullied by the popular group, which consists of a girl named Isabelle, another girl named Liah, and two guys named Isaac and Joel. I don't get it. Why are they so mean? I never did anything to them. The only person in the popular group who doesn't bully me is Joel, but he doesn't stand up for me either. He just stands off to the side, playing on his phone. No one ever stands up for me, but why should they? I'm just a silly nerd who has no friends. Well, I have my fans, but they aren't there in real life and they don't even know what my life is like. I have a youtube channel called LDShadowLady with over one million subscribers. I'm sure they wouldn't be subscribed to me if they knew who I really am. Anyways, they aren't my friends in real life so they aren't exactly helpful when I get bullied.

I'm in maths right now. We get our grades for our test back today. I'm scared! I hope I get a good grade. When Ms Lazarus passes the test out, I get so scared. However, I get an A*, so it's fine. (If you go to my school you'll know who Ms Lazarus is. I'm going to have the teachers' names in the story be the same names as my real life teachers names are, because I'm creative as heck. Not.) Ms Lazarus announces the highest and lowest scores. As usual, I'm the highest. And as usual, Joel got the lowest score. This time, however, there is a surprise. "Lizzie and Joel, meet me in the office after class." Ms Lazarus says. We look at each other, scared. I hope I'm not in trouble! My parents would never forgive me.
Joel's POV:
Man, I hate school. Ms Lazarus hands out the test papers from the test we had and I have the lowest grade. As usual. Then she wants us after class. Uh oh. That can't be good. I look at Lizzie and she looks back in fear. I never noticed how pretty her eyes are. Wait, what! No! She's a nerd, of course she isn't pretty! What am I thinking?
Lizzie's POV:
After class, I go to the office to meet Ms Lazarus. I hope I'm not in trouble. What would I even get in trouble for? Being too good at school? And what does Joel have to do with it?

Whatever. She says that neither of us are in trouble, that's a relief. Apparently since Joel has had the lowest scores on tests for the past 6 tests, he has to be tutored. And since I always have the highest score, I have to tutor him. Great. Just what I need. Having to tutor someone whose best friends bully me. What could go wrong?

Oh, you know, only EVERYTHING! What if he attacks me? What if he decides that he wants to try bullying me too? Calm down Lizzie, calm down. Maybe he will turn out to be nice.

We have to arrange a time and place that I can tutor him. I suggest the library at 5:00 pm every day. He looks at me, trying to do puppy eyes. "Every day?" He asks, sad.
"Yes," I reply. "Unless you want to keep failing school." I got him there.

Time skip! Dododo!

It's five pm. Time to meet Joel in the library to tutor him. "What's the square root of 2?" I ask him.
"Uh, pi?"
"No!" I swat him lightly with the textbook. "The square root of two is an irrational number!" We laugh.
Joel's POV:
I try to guess the square root of 2 and fail. Lizzie swats me with the textbook and talks about how the square root of 2 is irrational or something. No clue what that means. She says something funny and we laugh. Could I be falling for her?
Lizzie's POV:
The tutoring session lasts until 6. Joel seems exhausted, and to be honest I am too. At six, we say our goodbyes. Then Joel asks me to come with him to have pizza tomorrow night.
Joel's POV:
I can't believe I just asked her that! I'm so stupid! She'll say no and then never tutor me again, and I'll fail school. Stupid Joel, stupid! Wait! She said yes! "Is this a date or a friendly meal?" She asks. I'm not sure, actually.
"It depends. Which would you feel more comfortable with?" I ask.
"A date." She said shyly.
Lizzie's POV(sorry I am switching so often.):
Wait. Was I just asked on a date? I must be dreaming. And by Joel? I thought he was one of the popular kids! I say yes, and ask if it is a date or just a friendly meal. He asks what I'm most comfortable with. I mean, a date, of course! I've never been asked out before. We agree on six o'clock tomorrow. I walk home and go to bed with a smile on my face.

At the date:

I can't believe I'm on a date! And with Joel, no less. I feel so lucky. But wait. "Joel, what about the popular group? They all hate me!"
"Um, well," he scratches his head nervously. " I kind of left the popular group." He left the popular group for me? No, he probably had a different reason for leaving. I decide to ask him why he left. And he left for me! I have a mini heart attack right now and here. I can't believe it! At the end of the date, he asks me to be his girlfriend and I accept. I feel like the luckiest girl alive. I should probably tell him about my channel before he leaves. When I tell him, his face lights up. "I have a channel too!" He says happily. "It's called smallishbeans, and I have almost one million subs!" No way.
"That's my favorite channel!" I shriek. "We should do a video on both of our channels to say that we are dating!" He agrees with me, but tells me to calm down. We decide to record the video tomorrow, because tomorrow is Saturday. I'm so happy!
Word count: 1200 words
Also, at the top of the page there is a pic of my dog. Isn't he so cute?
Make sure to check out darknessandcandy  and SunnyAngel777 . They're my irl besties.

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