Some information before I start this:

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1. I am terrible at writing. I sometimes get frustrated when someone's story is just one long run on sentence, so I will try not to do that. However, I am only human, so I may make mistakes. Please don't come after me in the comments if I do.
2. I will be using several povs (point of view), just to make the story more interesting. However, the beginning will be mostly Lizzie's point of view. I also will not have a POV for every single character, only the important ones. Like, who really cares about that one boy in the back of math class who's only there to show that people actually go to the school?
3. This is my first fanfic. Actually, this is the first story of any kind I have ever written except for that one time I had to write a short story for 6th grade ela. So it is going to be terrible. If you're looking for a properly written fanfic, you aren't going to find it here. I recommend Harry Potter and the methods of rationality myself.
4. The only reason that I'm writing this is because I seem to have run out of jizzie fanfics to read at four in the morning. Speaking of which, most of this is probably going to be written by a sleep deprived woman at 4 in the morning, so don't expect anything amazing.
5. I'm going to try to update about every 2 days, but no promises.
6. If you're homophobic, get away from me.
7. I know that this will probably get no views. I'm writing it for the fun of writing it, not just because I want people to read it.
8. I forgot what I was going to write for eight. I will also probably forget if I had already done something in the story, so please don't hate.
9. Please tell me if you want me to include something in the comments.
10. Just because I make one of your favorite youtubers evil in the story, it doesn't mean I hate them in real life. Similarly, if I ship together two youtubers who aren't together in real life, well I'm sorry but this is fan FICTION. The whole point is that it isn't true.
I'm sorry for making this so long and boring, but I just wanted to get my points across.
Love ya,
Also, the number of words in this chapter is 434 words.

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