Moving House

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Lizzie's POV:

Things are heavy.

That's what I've learned so far from helping Joel pack his stuff. I had already gotten his room a bed and stuff, but I forgot how much stuff one person can have that they need to pack.

RIP my back.

Actually though, who even needs this many things? Like, I get that we need to bring his computer, his monitors, his keyboard, his mouse and his clothes, but what more do we have to bring?

A lot, it seems.

But like, does he need all his stuffed animals and stuff? The family pictures I can get, but why does a 17-year-old need this many stuffed animals? It's a bit crazy.

"Lizzie?" Joel snaps me out of my thoughts by waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I get thrown back into reality.

"I've been calling your name for the last five minutes and only now have you responded. Are you ok?" Joe; asks, worried.

"Oh, yeah, don't worry, I'm fine. I just got caught up in my thoughts," I reassure Joel quickly.

"Oh alright," he says. "I just got worried because you weren't answering me, and you had a blank look in your eyes. Anyway, while you were out of it I finished packing."

"I did help some, right?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course you did!" he reassures me. "Without your help, we would have been packing for the next week. But with you, we only took about two hours."

I smile happily. We call an uber and ride to my house, or rather our house.

Le TimE sKiP Of TiMe sKipPiNesS

We finally finish unloading Joel's stuff into his room. It took almost as long as packing it! We give the Uber driver a huge tip because we kept him for so long, and he even helped unload the stuff! Also, because of his expert driving, none of the stuff got damaged or even jostled. He really is a good person.

I've also noticed that I tend to ramble.

Joel's POV:

I think I broke my back. Monitors are heavy when you have to carry them into a room and haul them up onto a desk. I know that monitors aren't usually that heavy, but I got really heavy ones.

Could it be? Another time skip? wOw. I'm so cReAtIvE.

When we finally finish putting everything where it belongs in my room, I stop and look at how the final product looks from my doorway.

It's amazing and I tell Lizzie so. "I'm happy you like it!" She giggles. "Thank goodness, or else we would have to redo it. And that would be work."

I laugh at her laziness. I'm the same way. I always shy away from doing any unnecessary work. "Hey!" She swats my arm playfully. "Don't laugh at me!"

"No, I'm just laughing because I'm the same way, I always choose the method that would take the least work. Even if I did hate the room, which I don't, I would choose to keep it as it is because it would be so much work to change it," I explain.

"Um..." Lizzie says worriedly. "We kind of forgot to tell our parents that you were moving in with me. My parents will be fine with it, because I already have my own place, but we still have to tell them. And how will your parents react?"

"My mom will congratulate me, and my dad will not care and just drink some more," I say.

"Oh. Maybe we should just text them instead of going over to their place if they won't really care?" Lizzie suggests.

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