A New Beginning

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Lizzie's POV:

Joel gasps. I'm beginning to think that I shouldn't have asked him so bluntly when he finally responds. "Of course!" He exclaims. I sigh in relief. Thank goodness. It would be so awkward if he said no. I tell him about how worried I was and he chuckles. "I'm just so amazing, everyone gets nervous when they're around me." He smirks.

"No they don't! I mean, yes I do, but still!" I shout.

"Got you into a corner there, didn't I?" I want to wipe the stupid look off his face, but he's just too cute. I can't get mad.

"Hmph!" I shout.

"You're so cute when you're mad," I think I hear him say under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I ask. "What did you just say?"

"Nothing, nothing," he mumbles. Not believing him, I tackle him onto my bed.  (You can guess what happens next. Just kidding, they haven't been dating for that long yet. Lol.) I tickle him until he admits what he said. At the end of the long battle, I reign  victorious.

Joel's POV:

"You're so cute when you're mad," I think. Wait. Did I say that out loud? Uh-oh. Lizzie tackles me onto the bed and tickles me until I tell her what I said. She wins the great battle of the tickles.

We decide to go to my place so that I can pack up and she can help. We call an Uber and it says it will take three hours to arrive. We change our minds and decide to walk. It's only a few miles, and although I'm not the fittest, Lizzie can carry me, because apparently she's really strong and has a black belt in Taekwondo.

Ze amazing time skip brought to you by a sleep deprived woman who hasn't slept in the past week

Lizzie's POV:

We finally make it to Joel's house after what feels like an eternity but in reality was only an hour. Joel got a blister and I had to carry him for a few minutes before he could walk again. Wimp. It started raining at one point, which was surprising because the weather report said there would be clear skies with a 3% chance of precipitation. Thankfully, my scouting experience taught me to always be prepared, so I take an umbrella everywhere, no matter how clear the skies seem to be. So at least I'm dry. Just kidding, Joel stole my umbrella. At least he held it over both of our heads.

He told me in advance that he lived with his parents and they weren't the most welcoming, so I remember to be very polite and engage A-grade student mode. He calls out to his dad, because his mom is still at work, but continues anyway when there's no answer. I ask him why he's acting like that's normal, and he replies that it is for him. "He's probably passed out in his room," Joel says nonchalantly.

"Wha-'' I begin, but I'm cut off by Joel's answer.

"He drinks a lot," Joel mutters.

My face grows red and I feel like I owe him an apology. "I'm so-"

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Just please don't be mad that I didn't tell you. I was just scared that you wouldn't like me after you found out," Joel admits sheepishly.

"Why would I break up with you because of your parents? It's not your fault that your dad drinks, and no one should be blaming you," I insist. He has to realize that nobody's family's perfect.

Joel's POV:

This is getting embarrassing. I decide to change the subject. "We should probably get to packing. Let's go to my room." I lead the way to my room, the only place in this house I feel totally at ease. Most of the room is taken up by my recording setup and my triple monitor area for playing Minecraft and editing. My room is in complete disarray, since I don't really have time to clean it with all the stuff going on in my life. At least a week's worth of laundry is haphazardly piled on the rug. But Lizzie ignores that and heads straight for the monitors. That's my girl!

"I heard you say in a video that you thought the triple monitor system was the best," she points out excitedly. "I just realized how stalkerish that sounded. I'm not a stalker, I promise!" I laugh. She looks relieved. I ask her how she thinks we should transport them, and she suggests an Uber and lots of bubble wrap. Makes sense to me. I just really hope they don't get damaged when we move them.

"How am I going to move all this stuff over to your house?" I ask her. She tells me that as long as I have a large suitcase and a lot of perseverance, it'll be fine. "But what about the bed?" I ask. For the first time she examines my bed closely. One leg has duct tape wrapped around it and it lurches to that side.

"You know, maaaaaybe we could consider using the bed that's already in the room you're moving into," she responds jokingly.

"There's already a bed in that room? Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver!" I thank her enthusiastically. I really don't want to have to move that bed. She giggles.

"I try," she says smugly.

"Is there anything else in the room? I don't want to sound greedy, but I want to know if there's anything I don't have to move."

"There's a stuffed lion, a witch's hat, and a large wardrobe," Lizzie says mock seriously. Then she bursts out laughing. "I'm just kidding. There's a full-sized bed with forest green bedding, a small dresser, a nightstand with a lamp that lets you change its colors with your phone, and a desk with a green gamer chair." I gasp in amazement.

"That's amazing," I say excitedly. "I feel like this is all a dream."

I sigh happily, imagining how wonderful our lives will be.

Word count: 1073 words

So. I know that I only barely managed to get this out before the end of the day, but I will have it be known that that still counts as me uploading it the day I promised. I'm sorry this chapter was posted so late at night, I just never get inspired at convenient times. Oof.

Life So Hard lmao it discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now