Piece of Cake

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I'm bored

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I'm bored.

Ultimately, I decided to go on a small tour around campus. Might as well find myself something to do other than sitting down waiting for my next class to roll around.

I stood still by the Main Green and scanned the place. I tried to take everything in, from the big bear statue that was supposed to be the school's mascot, to the people sitting around on the grass right outside Solomon Hall, where allegedly most of the big lectures took place.

Once I did that, I strutted along the cement path, which guided me to yet another huge, blue bear sitting on what looked to be a desk study lamp. This time it wasn't a statue, but rather a giant stuffed animal with big buttons as eyes.

That isn't creepy at all.

I made my way inside a building and roamed the hallways, inspecting the rooms and making mental notes of where different places were located, until I felt my stomach growl in protest.

All of that exploring had made me hungry.

I thought about grabbing something quick from one of the vending machines distributed around campus but a guy had already beaten me to it and was essentially beating the crap out of one of those things, muttering all sorts of profanities under his breath. I knew of somebody who had  had an exceptionally shitty day.

I honestly didn't care, but I had nothing better to do, so I approached him.

"I'm sorry, but did that vending machine kill one of your dragons and execute your best friend right in front of you, or something?"

"Worse, it stole my soda," he explained without ceasing to hit and shake the machine.

He stopped and turned to face me, slightly out of breath. "I already tried 'Dracarys'... Didn't work, so I had to improvise." His eyebrows shot up in shock when he saw who he was talking to.

He got the Game of Thrones reference and played it on, that's a plus.

I made a sad pout, but my face fell quickly to its usual blank state. "Absolutely tragic."

I guess I'll have to get my food elsewhere.

"Wait!" he called after me, making me turn around. "Uh... you slapped me."

I arched both my brows in amusement. "That's a new one."

He forced his eyes shut and shook his head. "No, I mean, I recognize you. You're the one who slapped me the other night at the party, remember?"

That vaguely jogged my memory, it's not everyday you get to slap someone hard across the face with no consequences whatsoever.

"The kiss or slap game." He brought a hand up to his forehead as he skimmed through his memory, trying to recall my name. "Jade, was it?"

"Oh, yeah," I acknowledged. "That was me."

I took a second to chuckle at the memory. "I'd say that I'm sorry, but I'd be lying to you and to myself." I purposefully brushed past him as I walked off.

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