Chapter 2: Suspicions

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Hey, Ik I edited it a lot but I think that's good. Anyway, hope you enjoy it.

Top Floor
Ben's Dorm
10:00 AM
March 2nd

Ben's POV:
I was still really upset about what had happened the day before, even after waking up. I couldn't believe he had just cut me off and he got to take her.

I was definitely jealous but I was also worried about Erica. I knew better than anyone she could take care of herself about most everything, but she wasn't so great with emotions. I had heard Joshua always ended up cheating on the girl he was dating, which was now Erica.

They'd gone and watched a movie the night before when he asked her. She'd agreed and that made me nervous. If he always ended up cheating she was gonna get hurt. I wanted nothing more than to prevent that.

I asked around on what I should do and all the girls he'd dated said get her to dump him before he hurts her. They said they wished they had such a caring friend that figured that out for them and maybe they could have avoided the pain that came with him.

He was such a jerk. He was handsome, athletic, occasionally funny, etc. But he was not loyal at all. He acted like he was amazing but he was always checking other girls out and he was a huge flirt.

I made up my mind to warn her and make sure Joshua knew I would kick his ass if he hurt her. There was no way I was gonna let a jerk like him hurt my best friend, and maybe crush, and get away with it.

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