Chapter 3: Warning #1

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Okay so this is when he warns Erica.

Top Floor
Ben's Dorm
10:45 AM
March 2nd

Ben's POV:
I texted Erica and asked her to come meet me in my room. She agreed and arrived at 10:45.

"Hey Ben. What's up?"

"Hold on a sec. You want something to eat or drink?"

"Nah I'm good. But thanks."

"Here let's sit down. I need to talk to you."

"Um okay?"

"Promise me you won't get mad at me?"


"Okay." I took a deep breath. "I don't know if dating Joshua is a good idea."

"What!?! Why!?!" She demanded.

"He's an unfaithful jerk. He's cheated on every girl he dated here within a week."

"No he isn't! You're just jealous he asked me first!"

"Actually I was in mid-sentence asking you when he interrupted and asked. But I care about you more than I want to go with you. I'd rather you go with him and be happy than with me and be sad. I'm just saying, he's dated most of the girls here and he's cheated on every single one. Be careful please. You're my best friend and I really care about you."

"Best friends support each other. Not try to tear their relationship apart. You're no best friend of mine."

Hot tears pricked my eyes but I continued my warning.

"I'm really sorry you feel that way. You also said you wouldn't get mad. I'm not trying to curse your relationship. Just warn you that he's not faithful. But if he does cheat and you get hurt, don't say I didn't warn you or you had no idea. And even if I'm not your friend. I'll be here to pick you up and help you get over him if you need me."

"Well I won't because he's loyal and kind."

"Okay. If you say so."

"Goodbye Ben. I suggest you don't talk to me or contact me anymore. I'd say delete my number because you won't need it but I'm sure you have it memorized in that big head of yours-"

"Yeah I have a big head. I try to warn you about him so you don't get hurt and you decide our friendship is less important than a cheater. You know I was bummed he asked first. But I figured as long as you were happy I'd be okay. Now that you're ending our friendship over him, I feel like I dodged a bullet. All I wanted was to help you and now you're acting like I'm a total jerk for being worried about you. I liked you since I met you and everyone assumed it was just because you're beautiful. But I liked how you were kind and protective and had a nice personality. No matter what I always stood up for you. Even when I knew you would sacrifice me in an instant to save the world, I stood up for you and told everyone you weren't just a pretty face and amazing spy. That you were an amazing person too. I love you. And all you did was push me away and use me for your personal gain." I said.

She had shrunk back down into the couch.

"I thought you were the most amazing person to ever exist." I said.

"Oh." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"But after everything, being used constantly, never feeling like I was good enough, and you never noticing me, even this, I still love you more than ever. Have fun with your 'loyal' boyfriend. Hopefully he can be your new best friend since my spot has been emptied."

"Ben I-"

"Just go. If you don't trust or need me anymore, why should I keep chasing after you?"

"Ben... that's not-"

"Not what's happening? Then what is?"

"Ben I really do trust you-"

"Well it doesn't really seem like it."


"I'll see you around Erica. Or maybe I won't since Saint Joshua will probably just take my place and you'll forget me. Benjamin Ripley. Your #1 fan and ex-best friend. Now and always. If or when you come to your senses and realize I'm not trying to hurt you, because I love you more than anyone else, I'll be here. I always will. No matter what. Even if we fight or you replace me, I'll be here. Loving you more than ever before. I should probably just move on, but I won't. I always have and always will love you and be here to care for you when you need a shoulder to cry on. Promise me you know I'm here for you even if you no longer want to be friends with me."

"I promise. It's not that I don't want to be friends with you, I do. It just feels like you're trying to tear us apart."

"I'm not trying to tear you guys apart; I'm just saying be careful. He might cheat on you like he always did. He might try to take you from me and all of our friends. But if he makes you happy, go for it. We'll understand. Clearly I can't anymore."

"Ben-" She was cut off by her phone ringing.

"It's Joshua, right?" She nodded. "Answer it."

"Hey Josh! What's up? Yeah, I'm with him right now. No, Josh, calm down. We're just talking. Josh we're just friends, don't make this a big deal. Fine. Okay, see you in a sec."

"Let me guess, he called to say hi and invite you to sit by him at lunch. He asked where I was and you said with you. He got upset and said not to be friends with me. Now you have to leave and he's upset."


"*Ahem*Told you."

"What do you mean?"

"He's already telling you not to be friends with us. And treating you like a cheater. That way when he cheats, he can say he "only did it because you did."

"Okay so that's suspicious, but he's too sweet to cheat on anyone."

"He's dated 28 girls here. He cheated on every single one of them."

"Well maybe he's changed."

"Leopards don't change their spots."

"Well then it's a good thing he's not a leopard."

"Okay, that was funny. And again, all I'm saying is be careful."


"And I'll maybe see you around, since I don't wanna poke the bears."


"You're mad at me and he doesn't want you to be friends with me. Me spending time with you until you see I'm right will only upset you both more. And while I don't give a flying rat's ass about what Joshua thinks, I care about you more than everything. And would never try to do something to hurt or upset you."

Her phone buzzed.

Babe are you coming?

Yes, I'm on my way, calm down.

"You should probably go find him before he gets mad."


She stood up and I walked her to the door. I hugged her.

The night before she left, I walked her to the door.

"What was that for?"

To say goodbye.

"Goodbye. For now" I said as I sniffled and let a tear roll down my cheek.

And I cried.

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