Miss Annoying-never-give-up

52 20 8

Evelyn QuinnFox

He moved forward to throw me over him but I moved behind him. When he turned around I gave him a nice punch on his nose. He was bleeding. I bet that hurts. He covered his nose. I kneed him in his stomach. He pushed me down, pinning me exactly as the wolf did. I stared at him for a while. And he did the same before punching my stomach. I pushed him off me. I got off the floor dusting my hands vigorously. 

This annoying pain in my toe... I slapped him hard leaving a mark in his cheek. Call it bitch slap! Before he realized what happened I kicked him by a backflip for a good impact. One of the moves Izzy coached me. 

I gave him a back kick sending him stumbling back. My speed was fueled by anger and I knew it was not right. I kicked him hard on his head but before it hit the ground I caught it with my other foot. Pausing for a break to control my anger.

"It ain't nice to hit a girl in the stomach," I said in a nuh-nuh tone. He pulled me down by my leg. I kicked him off hurting myself in the process of falling. I glared at him. He smiled and with a move, he was on top of me. 

"And you don't slap a guy on his cheek," He said in a dangerously low voice dripping with venom. His breath near my neck.

"I am going to get that," He said tracing the chain along with my skin. I kicked him off. He groaned in pain. I threw him on the fence the same way he did except I didn't give him time to recover. I lifted him off the floor. Before his hands touched mine, I threw him down again. He kicked me a lot in my stomach but the pain didn't seem to mind as not losing my mom's pendant was the only thing on my mind. 

I caught his leg. But my body was losing energy due to my constant need for healing. If I was running low on energy then so will he. This seems like a mad idea but was worth a shot. I dropped his leg. He started attacking while I kept dodging those. When I knew he was almost drained, I started attacking. I made sure he didn't miss any of my blows. Lastly, I gave him my signature spinning kick and sent him collapsing on the floor.

I dropped myself next to him, where I was standing. I had no more energy left. My eyelids were starting to get heavy. I had to fight to keep them open. I concentrated on the heat below me, extracting enough energy to make me normal again.

Once my energy was restored. I converted some water vapor to ice so that when I wash my face they would melt. Then I started walking in the direction which Livia pointed. I heard a grunt when I turned back he was missing and someone pulled my hair from behind.

"I get what I want" I heard him say from behind. And with that, he started dragging me. He made me turn so I could face him. He had a girl, about 6 years old in his hold. The same way he held me. She looked at me with pleading eyes. I glared at him. What is he trying to do now?

"Hey, Miss Annoying-never-give-up! If you don't give me that pendant, I'll push this little human off the bridge. I am serious." He said pushing her forward by her hair. She looked terrified. I turned my attention back to him.

"What game are you playing?"

"Nothing, to be honest, I just want that chain. If you don't give it to me then I'll push her into the lava !" He said hurting her more.

"Why would you do that!"

"Because..."He slapped her. She screamed in pain. I moved out of his hold.

"STOP! If you move one inch she'll burn alive" he threatened. 

"SISTER! Whoever you are please save me...It's paining..." She cried. My eyes started watering.

"You have 10 seconds to make your decision. If she dies, you are responsible for it. Don't blame me for it. Either way, I'll leave in 10seconds. I mean since you won the fight you will be free to get your Spex." 

"Please...."She pleaded.

"5,6,7,8...Guess you are not lucky" He said dragging her against her screams.

"Wait!" This pendant... means too much for me. I felt like my mom never left me whenever I had it close to me. Giving this means like losing my mom completely. But How can I let the small girl die...when I can stop him. There's no way I can do it.

"I'll give you this," I said removing my mom's pendant as tears streamed down my face. I hate him. I hate this guy so much that I wanna rip his backbone out of his body.

"Good." He said, getting the pendant from my hands. 

"But you're late" He pushed her off the bridge.

"Nooooo!"I screamed as I ran with my speed and jumped off the bridge. He threw something at me which hit my head. But I caught her anyway. I lost my mom's pendant, my chance to get my Spex, my chance to save her, and everything. I waited for the impact of my body hitting the hot lava. But nothing happened. I wish I just had saved her before this. I was late. I was too late.

I was slowly losing the little consciousness that I have been holding on to. She was holding my hands and hugging me firmly in fear.

I tried to wield a shield but I was drifting away...The only thing that kept me fighting was the girl in my arms and the look in her eyes. We were inches from burning alive. I kept my eyes locked with hers having a wordless conversation. 

I lost it...I lost everything. 

The girl faded right before I hit hard on the cold surface. It was supposed to be warm... Everything was happening so fast and was hard to process.

I was underwater, drowning, not knowing what to do as my foot got stuck in something. I felt too exhausted to fight........ That's when it clicked. I had another chance to survive. I wasn't exactly out of air. I was able to hold my breath longer.

I wanted to reach the surface. Every struggle, my will to reach the surface became stronger and stronger. And then my body took over as I scooted up, soaring out of the water.

And I was flying...........

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