Birthday in Antarctica

47 19 12

Evelyn QuinnFox

All I could feel was the pain... There were many things that I couldn't understand. Why did my mother hide? Why did she keep my father unknown? Why did she run when she could have had her throne back. I don't think she did it just because of those Elrocks. I think there's a lot more to the past which is unknown or well hidden. I am finding it, mom. I'll find what happened to you and dad. I will find out. That's a promise.

I walked into the room behind Livia. Izzy was sitting in a metal throne, anxiously, facing the crystal. She ran a hand in her hair. Livia cleared her throat to get her attention. Izzy's head snapped up instantly. Her eyes lit up the instant she saw me behind her. 



They exchanged greetings. Livia hugged Izzy very tightly. Something tells me that they were quite close. I had a lot to discuss with Izzy. After a small talk in a different language, Livia turned towards me. Will I meet her again when I go back to my normal life? I can't believe I've completed my training. And I'm going back. I am going back to school...

"I guess we say goodbye here" She took a deep breath. " You are a very special girl Evelyn. Your mother will be very proud of you if she was here. She must be very blessed to have a daughter like you. I hope you come and meet me again. All the best" She said and pulled me in a hug and I hugged her back.

"Thank you very much, mam. I hope we'll meet soon. So see you later " I said sincerely.

"Call me Livia, dear." 

"Okay," I said hesitantly.

"See you later it is" I smiled at her while Izzy exchanged a nod. We walked into the purple glitter, which can also be called portal, But I prefer purple glitter.

" You made it. Show me" she said excitedly. I smiled taking a step back. I lifted my hand. Sparks of blue lighted up the whole bracelet. It soon ran up my hand forming a stick with crystal arrowheads. 

"You got very unique Qurryne staff." She smiled at me. I smiled back.

"It transforms into a lot of cool things" I transformed it one by one. She stood frozen thus wiping the smile off my face. She looked shocked which told me it is not normal.

"You... Its Vita Lux... Meaning life and light. What you have is legendary and prophesied Spex." She started pacing in front of me.

"How is it possible? Xy! what have you done." She murmured to herself as she walked around. 

"Does your Spex transform?" I finally asked. I thought it was normal...

"No Evelyn. No" She said spinning to face me. She only used 'Evelyn' when she talked about something serious. So I stayed quiet.

" Can we talk about this later?"

"Okay," I told her understanding that she is disturbed and needs some space.

"Your Spex is very powerful and very unique." 

"So ..." I started unsure of how to start a conversation. "When are we going back?" I asked her.

"Tomorrow we can even go to school if you want Eve. But promise you'll never use your powers. Not even once. Okay?"

"I won't" I gave her my word.


"So good to be back to the Jurrasic Park," Izzy said getting of my raven and handed me the helmet. Her blonde hair was a mess. I laughed and smoothened it.  

"I missed my raven soo much," I said matching her dramatic tone. My mind went back to my mom's gift. I haven't opened it yet. I will do it today.

Just then I was engulfed in a back hug. 

"River!" I exclaimed throwing my hands around him again which he gladly accepted. He was my best friend too. But not as close as Izzy. And now he can never be.

"I missed you so much, Ivy" 

"I missed you too Rev," I told him.

Izzy scoffed " I clearly didn't miss you," She said rolling her eyes.

"Thanks for reminding me cause I forgot you existed," He said rolling his hazel ones.

"Guys now stop rolling your eyes before it rolls out of your sockets." I stopped them before they go on for war4005. They just stared at me before hugging each other.

"I am sorry I missed your birthday but you didn't have to punish me like this." He said pouting. 

"I am glad you got your punishment" Izzy injected.

"I had to go with my dad," He said pressing that 'had'. God knows what stunts he pulled to avoid that trip. I laughed and ruffled his hair.

"I know," I told him.

"So how was Antarctica?" Izzy and I both coughed at the same time. 

"What?" I asked him.

"After I came, You were not at school so I went to your house. Dave told me you both went to celebrate your birthday in Antarctica. I was extremely angry but Dave explained how sad you were that I was not here and told me how this mosquito dragged you the ship" He explained. I gave a look at Izzy which screamed 'unbelievable'. Who celebrates their birthday for a month? That too at Antarctica? Seriously Dave.....

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