Chapter 14 Spiritual Arts

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Y/N was in the training room with Jaune and Pyrrha, helping Pyrrha train Jaune. Y/N and Jaune were trading simple sword clashes when Y/N knocked Jaune's sword away, he attempted to stab him but Jaune lifted his shield to deflect it. Jaune used this opportunity to slash the staggered Y/N who bent backwards to evade it and back flipped away. Y/N and Jaune stood up straight and bowed at each other.

Pyrrha: Well I'd say that went well.

Y/N: I second that. Jaune, with a little more practice, you'll be a great warrior one day.

Jaune: You really think so?

Pyrrha: Of course! You always said you wanted to be a hero like your ancestors, keep this up and you will!

Y/N: You just need to work on gaining a little confidence now.

Jaune: (smiles) Thank you, both of you.

Y/N and Pyrrha smiled back

Pyrrha: Just let us know when you want to train some more.

Y/N: I'll be glad to help!

Pyrrha: I think we should go get something to eat.

Jaune: I won't argue with that!

Y/N: Actually, I'm going to practice a little by myself, I'll catch up later.

Pyrrha: Ok, we'll talk to you later.

Jaune: See ya man!

After Pyrrha and Jaune left the room, Y/N took the scabbard off his back, laid it down on the floor and began doing handstand pushups in the middle of the room.

As he was in the middle of his workout, he sensed somebody watching him. He looked up to see it was Raven, holding a large wooden chest.

Y/N: Hey Aunt Raven

Y/N stood up to face her as she set the chest down.

Raven: Y/N, I have something for you.

Raven opened the chest revealing multiple rolled up paper scrolls. She grabbed one and handed it to Y/N.

Y/N: (taking the scroll) What is this?

Y/N rolled the scroll open, showing hand written kanji and drawings of hand gestures.

Raven: These are ancient scrolls, used by the ninjas of old. They contain mystical powers for those with strong spirits. We call these powers "ninpo".

Y/N: Thanks! Well let's get started!

Raven: Whoa, slow down! These takes years of practice and immense concentration to master.

Y/N: Then let's begin.

Y/N looked back at the scroll and memorized the words and hand gestures immediately. He put the scroll down and closed his eyes as Raven took a step back. Y/N raised his hands, held out his index and middle finger on his left hand while laying his right arm flat. He brought his hands down as his index and middle finger were right in front of his nose. He heard Raven let out a silent gasp as he opened his eyes to see three fire balls circling around him like a windmill. He was shocked that he briefly lost his concentration, the fire balls dissapeared.

Raven: Incredible! I don't think anyone has achieved on their first try! You really are special.

Qrow: That's one way to put it.

Raven and Y/N looked at the entrance and saw Qrow walking towards them.

Qrow: Hey kid, I have a little something for you too.

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