xi. pearls

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FOR SOMEBODY WHO IS SO AFRAID OF GETTING CLOSE TO PEOPLE, Elena found herself liking Katniss and Peeta more and more as the time went on. She knows that shouldn't, when they reach the finale they'll turn on each other so quick — Katniss and Peeta would protect each other, Finnick and Elena would do the same. It's odd saying she'd kill for him, something that once would have been seen as a rather huge overstatement but in their circumstances, is completely normal.

Elena gently wrings the water out of her long, blonde hair. Finnick stands beside her, washing the surface of his weapon as Peeta gets some water from one of the nearby trees using the spile Katniss had been sent. The is an eerie silence amongst them, almost as if they're too afraid to break it with their words.

The blonde decides to wash the dirt off her hands, her eyes straying to Peeta for just a second. She inhales sharply and taps Finnick's arm, his gaze directed on her instantly as she gestures to the boy. Katniss also seems to follow their gaze.

"Peeta?" Katniss speaks in a quiet tone which causes him to turn his head to her. "Walk over here slowly,"

Peeta turns back to grab the spile and comes face to face with a vicious baboon. Elena clutches a knife tightly as the boy slowly stumbles back to her, her free hand gently grabbing his arm and pulling him back so they're standing beside each other. The animals surround them, staring them down.

"Get to the beach," Katniss mummers quietly and before they even have the chance to move, the animals attack.

Before Elena can process it, Finnick pushes her out of the way and stabs one of them with his trident. Elena busies herself with killing some of the less aggressive ones, even though they are still quite vicious. When she turns again, she spots Katniss being held down in the water by one, her instincts taking over as she stabs it in the back. Katniss emerges from the water with a loud gasp as Elena helps her up and they continue to fight with the animals.

"We gotta get to the beach!" Peeta's voice is more desperate now, their survival depending on whether or not they get away.

Elena is quick to follow him, the two running forward. Just as she goes to warn him of an oncoming attack, a woman throws herself in front of him. Peeta kills the baboon and looks over to Elena for help, her body moving to help carry the woman away. The teenagers drag her to the beach as Katniss and Finnick keep the oncoming animals away from them.

"The water," Elena manages to croak and Peeta nods, moving the body to the water where it would be more peaceful.

The woman, who Elena believes is from District Six, lays on her back in the shallow water and watches the sky. Elena stays by her side, allowing the morphling to hold her hand tightly as the pain overcomes her. She looks up at Peeta almost begging him to save the woman but Peeta lowers his head instead.

INFINITY, peeta mellark ✔️Where stories live. Discover now