xii. the clock is ticking

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ELENA AWKWARDLY STANDS BEHIND Finnick and Johanna as they speak, not wanting to interrupt their conversation yet not comfortable enough to go and talk to someone else. After her conversation with Peeta earlier, she has absolutely no idea how to approach him without it being kind of awkward. The small pearl he'd gifted her, still sits in her closed hand whilst she tries to figure out what do with it — losing it is the last thing she wants to do.

"I got them out. We were all the way deep into the jungle where I thought I was gonna be safe, that's when the rain started. I thought it was water, it turned out to be blood,"
Johanna exclaims as she gestures to the blood all over her.

The teenage girl watches as Wiress makes her way over, stumbling to Elena's side as she continues to mumble a short phrase under her breath. The woman looks at the blonde and smiles, gently grabbing her arm and tugging at it.

"Tick Tock," Wiress says and Elena raises her eyebrows and shakes her head in confusion, looking to her for more explanation. However, all she gets is the same phrase in response. "Tick Tock,"

"Wiress," Elena speaks almost hesitantly, completely unsure how to approach the situation without frightening or offending the woman from Three. "How about we go wash the blood off?"

"Tick Tock," Wiress moves away from her over to Johanna and does the exact same thing to her. Johanna is nowhere near as patient, snapping at her almost instantly.

"Listen! Stop it!" Johanna's voice is harsh as she shoves the woman away from her, inadvertently starting a fight with Katniss who does not appreciate the action in the slightest.

"Hey! Get off her," Katniss yells as Wiress tumbles to the ground, Finnick trying to intercept the girl before she can get to Johanna who is seething.

"Hey!" Finnick is trying his hardest and Elena can see this, moving to help when another hand grabs her arm. She looks at Peeta who shakes his head, warning her not to get involved in the fight.

"I got them out for you!" Johanna is still seething as she thrashes against Finnick who is now trying to calm her down. "Let me go, Finnick!"

After they manage to settle down, Katniss takes the woman from Three to the water in order to help clean the blood off of her. Elena stands beside her District Partner who is exchanging quiet words with the other woman, words that she can no make out in the slightest. On the other side of her is Peeta who looks rather out of place, unsure whether or not her wants to actually come near the rest of them.

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