xxix. family

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PRESIDENT SNOW IS DEAD. The news had spread around like wildfire and whilst the initial execution wasn't carried through, the man is dead nonetheless. His killer is one that most wouldn't suspect - quiet and shy Elena Rogers from District Four who most remember for being in love with her District Partner. Things have changed a lot since then, she's no longer that girl. She has grown, matured and gained traits that she hadn't seen coming.

Elena Rogers is a woman who has grasped new ideals and learnt from the horrors she has had to experience. No longer does she cower at confrontation but she is able to stand up for herself. The way she had changed, it's remarkable.

Most have noticed but sometimes she struggles to see it herself. Especially now that the rebellion has come to an end and she finds herself in her usual spot on the couch in her living room, a book in hand as she tries her hardest to concentrate on it. The last time she had the opportunity to do this, the Capitol still ruled and Finnick was still alive and living in the house next door. It's so different now and yet the same.

Whilst the novel is the same, the home around her is not. Jace has moved out, living in Annie's old home as she wanted to move into Finnick's. He didn't want to be in her way but he also didn't want to move too far away in case he needed her or she needed him. Elena has never felt more appreciative of him.

The other major difference is the boy seated to her left. After everything that went down, the blonde haired boy from District Twelve and the blonde haired girl from District Four moved in with one another. The idea originally stemmed from need each other's emotional support because they were so used to having each other around but it blossomed from that. Those small kisses and embraces they'd shared held more importance than they'd thought.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" His voice is soft and caring as he looks over to her. Whilst he is the furthest thing from okay, he is slowly getting back to who he was before. Peeta will hold those emotional, and even some physical scars, for the rest of his life but he is working through it.

"My old life I guess," Elena responds. "You know, before all of this happened,"



Peeta gives her a small yet painful smile, his arm moving to wrap around her comfortingly. Elena returns the smile, her head leaning on his shoulder as she shuts her eyes. The sounds around them are peaceful, the chirps or birds and the laughter of children in the District which is odd - happiness was rather hard to come by before hand.

"I spoke to Katniss earlier today," Peeta comments and the blonde opens her eyes, looking up at Peeta who is already staring down at her.

In the sunlight, his blue eyes twinkle slightly — It's a beautiful sight really. It is one of the many things that she adores about him, it's probably her favourite physical feature he has - along with his smile. He's beautiful.

"How's she doing?" Elena questions.

The sound of a cat echoes around the room, almost as if it recognises the name. Prim's cat jumps up onto Elena's lap, the girl's lips twitching into a smile. Whilst Buttercup is one of the only physical reminders that Katniss has of her younger sister, she couldn't bring herself to take care of the cat. So then Elena offered to care for him in the final years of his life, maybe as a way to payback Prim for how kind she'd been in District Thirteen.

"She's doing a little better. She has her mother staying with her because Gale has gone to District Two," Peeta responds and the blonde nods her head. "I told her to come visit us at some stage,"

"Definitely. She'll have to tell us in advance so I can make a nice dinner,"

"I'm sure she'd like that,"

Elena moves her head to his chest, her ear resting over his heart so that she can hear it beat. Peeta brings his hand up and strokes her golden locks, his cheek now resting on the top of her head. Buttercup lets Elena stroke him, he's taken quite the likening to her which is good - he couldn't stand Katniss and vice versa.

A knock on the door pulls the two of them from their position and sends the cat running away. The girl gets to her feet and walks over to the front door, opening it up to see her brother and Annie standing the doorway. The woman has her hand on her stomach, a bump now fully visible. Since Finnick had passed on, Jace has practically stepped in to take care of her so that she can have somebody to take proper care of her.

"We thought that maybe we could have a dinner," Jace says to his sister as he pulls her into his arms. Elena hugs him back tightly. "Annie made a cake and you probably have stuff to cook dinner in your kitchen, correct?"

"There would be something in there. Come in guys, Peeta is in the living room," Elena smiles at Annie who returns it with a small one.

Elena closes the door and following after them, smiling when she sees her brother and her — well she is unsure what to call him. Boyfriend? Friend? Nonetheless, the two of them are hugging in the middle of the room. Peeta also gives Annie a small hug before moving to stand beside Elena, his arm once again moving to rest around her comfortably. She leans against him.

Jace is simply happy to see his little sister with a genuine smile plastered upon her face. It's been a while since she's been able to do that - the last time was more than likely Finnick's wedding to Annie. Peeta makes her happy - something he has wished for so long.

As they all stand there, telling stories and laughing amongst themselves, Elena lets her mind wonder to those they have lost once again. Those people who have had to pay the price for the Capitol's ways but also for the rebellion - those people who should be here to celebrate the love they share for one another. The connection between all of them that has established them as the one thing that Elena has always loved, needed and on some
levels, craved.



So this, bar the Epilogue, is the last chapter of the story. I know this chapter was pretty boring and probably didn't really wrap anything up properly but I will do that in the epilogue. The epilogue will have some nice things coming up for the group - Peeta and Elena mostly. I hope you enjoyed this anyway! Thank you for reading!

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