xxiv. real or not real

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AS EXPECTED BY BOTH PEETA AND ELENA, they did not trust the blonde haired boy in the slightest. Boggs had ordered for there to be two people watching the boy at all times, and at his order, Elena is not to be counted as one of these people. She is believed to be a bias party and therefore cannot be truly trusted when it comes to keeping an eye on the boy. Boggs is pretty mad overall, incredibly angry at the fact Peeta has joined them.

"Do you want me to kill him?" Elena hears Gale mummer to Katniss which makes the blonde snap her as to the side.

"I may not condone killing but I will not hesitate to point this gun at your head and shoot," Elena uncharacteristically hisses at the boy who holds his hands up defensively. "Leave him be, he doesn't need you two being so openly hateful,"

"It's fine, Gale. I can deal with him," Katniss mumbles and Elena has to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

Her usual friendly exterior seems to have faded slightly these past few days. People don't seem to be giving Peeta the time of day anymore even though he's recently been through so much. It irritates her and she thanks both Jace and Finnick for their attitudes. He has had to deal with some serious mental manipulation, and whilst she understands it's hard for Katniss to deal with this, it's even harder for him to recover.

"He can't deal with you, Katniss. To him you're still the bad guy, even with some of his memories slowly flowing back to him. Leave him be," Elena speaks as she grabs some of the food for dinner and walks over to Peeta who is sitting with his two guards — Jace and Finnick.

"Elena, I promise you -" Katniss starts only to be cut off as she moves closer.

"Are you trying to provoke him? Trying to send him spiralling again? When you're done blaming him for something that is out of his control, then you can be around him," Elena replies, picking at the food in front of her.

Katniss is unsure of how to respond to the blonde haired girl and Gale takes it upon himself to pull her away to sit with him instead. Jace has a small smirk on his face as he watches his younger sister stick up for Peeta, a hidden part of her personality seeming to push out when the boy is provoked.

"Peeta," Boggs is somewhat quiet as he moves over to where the four of them are sitting. "You will have to sleep in the view of everybody tonight so we can keep an eye on you,"

"Is that really necessary?" Jace questions. "He can sleep in my tent with me and Elena," he adds on.

"It's not safe. We have to keep an eye on him, he could be dangerous," Boggs responds to the man.

"But-" Elena tries to interject.

"Not buts. He can sleep out by the heater but he must be in the sights of two guards,"

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