ii. crying hurts too much

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THERE IS NO WAY TO RUN OUT OF TEARS, if there was, Elena Rogers would be an expert at it. In fact, she probably would never be able to cry again and yet, here she is, sobbing her heart out as her brother tries his hardest to calm her. It's been a little over an hour now since Snow had given his announcement and he still has not been able to get her to stop crying. Jace was completely hopeless and had no idea how to stop them.

"Elena!" A voice calls as their front door opens, Finnick rushing in to see the girl in tears. He had to check up on Annie before he could come here to see the teenage girl who he knows would be distraught. Annie doesn't have anybody else to be with her whilst, Elena has Jace.

Jace looks up at the man with a grateful look simmering in his eyes as the blonde clutches onto him. Elena slowly moves her gaze to her former mentor and sniffles, the older man sitting down on her other side and holding her free hand. The blonde lets go of her brother so that she can then move to hug Finnick, holding him tighter than ever before.

"I don't want to go back, I don't want go back," Elena repeats over and over. "Finnick, don't let me go back,"

"I know, Lena. I know," Finnick tries to soothe as he looks at her brother, pain evident in his eyes. Neither Finnick or Jace can do anything but try to calm her down because neither of them can be certain that she will not be going back into the games — either way Finnick is going to have to protect somebody he loves.

Finnick simply sits there for what seems like hours, holding the girl tightly as she continues to let her emotions roam free — thoughts flying around her mind at a million miles an hour with absolutely no hope of stopping. Her death, Finnick's death but more than anything, the idea of one of them dying alone. She couldn't handle taking her final breaths alone, without somebody to hold her before she fades away. It's terrifying, the thought absolutely terrifies her to to point where she wants to stick by Finnick's side and never leave.

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