Chapter 6

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It was like everything that could go bad was going terribly wrong at the same time. Oh my gosh what am I going to do without my mom! How my going to make it through life, where am I going to live? My head is killing me. If this is a bad dream somebody please hurry up and wake me, this dream totally sucks.

Did I really just find my mom.... Dead?

In our living room?

With everybody there?

My mind is really all over the place. After the police came, Yaya(grandmother) came and got us. Since I'm underage she needed to come. Once that told her mama was gone, she didn't cry or freak out or anything. But she knows her daughter died a long time ago. Her body is now gone too. At Yaya's everybody was so quiet. Like if they say the wrong thing, the twins or I were gonna go off. I fainted at my house and my head still hurts.

"Yo yall can talk! I hate that silent sympathy shit!" I snapped and walked outside. From the porch I can see my house, well my old house. The police were still there. I do eventually have to go over there but I might send Nala over there. I'm not ready to go back. I sat outside as the breeze blow and it being June it's already hot in Philly.

This is my city and this summer is gonna be different. Next year we will be seniors. If I don't go to college after graduating then ima move to another city or state. A new start will be great. I love my city, but after this summer I can't stay anymore. Ima always think about my mom and Nasir, maybe not. I don't see us moving on from this but who knows what the future holds.

"Sika?" I looked up to see Katie. I smiled alil at her. She sat next to me on the steps. "How you feeling? I know you don't want anybody to ask but I have to know. You my girl and I love you. I know this is gonna be crazy hard but we gonna get thru it." She wiped away my tear.

"Come on girl. Don't cry, your gonna make me cry. We been through this before." She said and we have. Katie lives with Scott now but she used to live with her uncle and aunt. Her dad had freaked out one day and killed her family. We were about 11, Katie and I walked in on her dad killing her mom.

He killed her younger brother and baby sister, Kalib and Kalia. Then her mom and was gonna wait for her to get home and then her too. But we were late getting home, thanks to getting in trouble at school.

Walking in her front door, her dad stood over her mom and was cutting her up. I will never forget that image or the scream Katie let out. He off himself after that. We ran all 4 blocks to my Yaya's house. And cried as we told her what happened. The counseling really helped, but we still never forgot and never will.

"Yeah we been thought a lot." I told her and she hugged me as I cried. I cried for all the pain I have been thought lately and I cried for Katie. Now both our parents are gone. I'm glad I still have the twins.

"I need to see my brothers and I need to call Oliver,'s dad." She nodded as I told her. I walked in the house to my Yaya. I need to call my baby brother.

"Desean! Travis! Avo!" They all came at me. Desean's eyes were still red and Travi looked pissed. My poor Yaya looked lost.

"What's wrong Sisi?" Yaya asked.
"I wanna see my baby brother." I tell them.

"You sure?" Sean asked.


"Okay. I'll get his number." Yaya said and she left the room. Oliver's dad took him to North Carolina when he was about 4. We are four years apart. His dad and mama were into the same stuff but once she got pregnant with Oly, he cleaned up and took care of us.

After baby Oly was born and mama didn't get clean, that was the last straw for Cavion. He got back with his ex and they moved. I used to always wish he would of taken me with him but mama wouldn't let him. Being the only girl she wanted to keep me. I visited them for the summer twice but then one year it just stopped.

Oly should be about 12 going on 13. Wow I know he big. His dad was always talk. I sat in my room at Yaya's and looked at the number. Cavion calls to check up on us so that's how she has the number. I wonder how Bria and the girls are doing. They had two girls after Oliver, Malaysia and Takarii. They are so cute.

The ring of the phone scared me. My heart is racing. I can hear it in my ears.

"Hello?" A female answered the phone.

"Hi is Oly or Cavion there?"

"Whose calling?"




"Okay hold on." I can hear that she put down the phone but yelling at someone.
"Who the hell is Masika? Your side chick! Damn calling your phone from an unsaved number. The fuck is this?"

"Masika? My daughter?" It sound like Cavion.

"Hello Masika? Is that you Baby Bird?" He said. I burst in tears.

"Hi daddy. Yeah it's me."

"Baby what's wrong?"

"It's mommy. She died."

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