(𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻: 𝟜)-UA First Day

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"..." = [Talking]        "..." = [All Might]

'...' = {Thought}       '...' = {Telepathy}

(...) = (Author-chan)

... = |POV| - (Point of View)

No one's POV

Last day of the week: Sunday 4 PM

               Izuku was drawing for his costume (I'm sorry, I haven't drawn Izuku's costume because there was no online drawing that can relate to this fanfic)

         'I guess this can be it' I thought as I heard a knock on the door "Come in!" "Izuku your letter is here" Inko handed Izuku the letter "Thanks mom" I smiled at her and she smiled at me and went out the door. I open the letter and saw a disk and a hologram of All Might popped out, I was wagging my dragon tail.

           "I AM HERE AS A PROJECTOR" "All might are you going to be a teacher in UA cause there would be no other reason for you if the letter is from UA and you're here Muttermuttermutter...." All Might sweatdropped "YOUNG MIDORIYA" Izuku looked at All Might, He realized he was muttering "Sorry All Might it's a bad habit of mine" "NO WORRIES YOUNG MIDORIYA BUT I HAVE TO SAY YOU HAVE A VERY STRONG QUIRK, I'm NOT SURPRISE THAT YOU GOT FIRST" Izuku's eyes widen.

             "Are you sure All Might maybe you got the wrong person?" "IF I GOT THE WRONG PERSON THEN HOW MUCH ARE YOUR VILLAIN POINTS" "Uhh...I think it was 197, Why'd you ask?" "WELL THIS EXAM ISN'T JUST DESTROYING THE FAUX VILLAINS BUT ALSO HELP  OTHERS IN NEED" "I knew Present Mic didn't say everything" "WELL YOUNG MIDORIYA YOU HAVE A TOTAL 297, WITH 197 VILLAIN POINTS AND 100 RESCUE POINTS" "What?, I thought that I only got 50 rescue points?" "WELL YOU SAVED THE GROUP OF EXAMINEES WHICH GOT YOU A 20, YOU ALSO SAVED THE 4 GIRLS THAT GOT TRAPPED UNDER THE DEBRIS WHICH GOT YOU A 60, AND HEALED THEM DURING THE PROCESS THAT MEANS YOU GOT A 20 AND IN TOTAL YOU HAVE 100, SO GOOD JOB YOUNG MIDORIYA NOT ONLY YOUR STRONG BUT YOU HAVE A HEART OF A TRUE HERO AND DETERMINATION" " How about Kacchan? AH! I mean Bakugou, What are her total points? and rank?" "AH! YOUNG BAKUGOU SHE ONLY HAS 70 VILLAIN POINTS AND RANK #2" "Why am I not surprised, She doesn't like helping people but me" "YOUNG MIDORIYA, DO YOU TWO KNOW EACHOTHER" "Yes we do we're both friends more/less so you can see that she's not aggressive towards me" "WELL YOUNG MIDORIYA CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING THE EXAM, WELCOME TO YOUR HERO ACADEMIA" "Thank you All Might" Izuku smiled at All Might as the hologram disappeared and the disk blew up.

             'Guess they don't like anyone hacking into there system maybe that's why the disk self-destruct' Izuku looked out the window and it was already night, "IZUKU COME AND EAT DINNER" Izuku heard Inko yell "I'LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE" Izuku stood up from his seat took his phone and went downstairs.

              Izuku went into the dining room and saw the Bakugou Family sitting at the table "Mom, Why didn't you tell me that there were guests I could've helped you with dinner" "Ah, Sorry sweety I didn't want to interrupt you......So did my baby get in" "Actually....." Katsumi continued Izuku's sentence "Deku actually got first in the exam by 297 villain and rescue points and I got second by 70 villain points," Katsumi said as Mitsuki added "And Izuku here saved 3 other girls and my explosive girl here by a giant robot," Mitsuki said while Ruffling Katsumi's hair, Katsumi was raging "Hehe, What they said is true......Mom...I got in" Izuku said" I'm so happy both Katsumi And Izuku are going to UA...Izuku sit down we can have dinner". After dinner, the Bakugou Family Left the Midoriya's Household. Both Midoriyas are now in their rooms, Izuku plopped into bed and checked his phone. Izuku saw a message from Katsumi:

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