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T. A. 2941
Misty Mountains and the Carrock

𝔽anyawen soon after joined them again, having to run for a few minutes to catch up with them. All the time she was careful, as not to lose her little follower; namely, Bilbo. When she saw Gandalf had stopped, she slowed down and leaned against the tree, right of Fili and Kili.

"Five, six, seven, eight. Bifur. Bofur. That's ten. Fili, Kili! That's twelve. And Bombur," counted Gandalf, then looked around till he spotted Fanyawen then nodded and continued, "That makes 13 and Fanyawen. Where's Bilbo? Where is your Hobbit? Where is our Hobbit?!" He yelled the last part, furious at them for losing the only one that didn't really want to come on this journey and on himself for not being more observant.

"Curse the halfling. Now he's lost?" Questioned Dwalin not really caring about what happened to Bilbo, but not wanting to have his blood on his hands.

"I thought he was with Dori!" Said Gloin. Looking around in hopes of spotting him somewhere behind them.

"Don't blame me!" Cried the former one, not wanting to be the one at fault either.

"Where did you last see him?" Panicked Gandalf. He looked at Fanyawen for answers, but then saw her lazily leaning against the trunk, looking at her nails. His eyed widened as he wondered when did she stop caring for Bilbo, because, after all, she was the one who looked after him the most.

"I think I saw him slip away when they first collared us," said Nori trying to remember the last time he saw their burglar.

"And what happened then, exactly? Tell me!" Asked Gandalf again, getting more anxious with every minute while Fanyawen stood there, unmoving, enjoying the show.

"Bilbo, sometime today, please," she whispered. She heard someone surprised inhale behind her and smirked. She cringed when she saw the look in Thorin's eyes, not liking it in the slightest.

"I'll tell you what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it. He has though of nothing but his soft bed and warm hearth since he first stepped out of his door. We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone," Thorin dramatically ended his speech. Fanyawen facepalmed herself knowing that Bilbo heard everything and that it probably hit him pretty hard.

"No. He isn't," suddenly pipped up a quiet voice from behind her. She breathed a sight of relief for she was not sure if he'd show up or not, after Thorin's outburst.

"Bilbo Baggins. I have never been so glad to see anyone in my life," laughed Gandalf, now understanding Fanyawen calm behaviour.

"Except my cousin," coughed Fanyawen and in return got a nice little glare from the Wizard. Gandalf couldn't believe that she could joke in moment like this, but kind of appreciated it.

"Bilbo! We'd given you up," also laughed Kili who was genuinely happy that their companion has returned, his eyes shining in astonishment and delight.

"How on earth did you get past the Goblins?" Asked Fili. In that moment, Fanyawen wondered why did she ever teach him to be so observant.

"How, indeed," wondered Dwalin, getting suspicious after thinking about it for a minute. Fanyawen looked at Gandalf and shook her head telling him to not pry into the matter for she very well knew how he got out, but feared Dwarves' reaction.

"Well, what does it matter? He's back," awkwardly laughed Gandalf, not yet knowing what Fanyawen knew, but nonetheless not liking the panicked look in her eyes.

"It matters. I want to know. Why did you come back?" Asked Thorin, clearly annoyed, still not liking his presence in his company.

"Look, I know you doubt me. I know you always have. And you're right. I often think of Bag-end. I miss my books. And my armchair and my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came back. Because you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can," he said. By the end of his speech every Dwarf was tearing up but none of them let the tears fall.

Chasing the Stars ☾ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚋𝚋𝚒𝚝 / 𝙻𝚎𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now