Chapter 10

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I pull out my phone and fire off a message to Natalie. Our shared savings account is a safety net for us, but neither of us likes dipping into it unless absolutely necessary. Today, however, desperation calls for drastic measures. I need to cover the $3,400 bill for the second crew. I hope she'll understand; I promise I'll replenish the account as soon as I can.

Hey Nat, I've got a serious favor to ask.

What's up?

So, I had another showdown with Carmen... and now I need $3,400 to pay a second crew. Can I pull it from the savings?

You're kidding, right?

I wish I was.

Carmen is a fucking nightmare.

Tell me something I don't already know. But seriously, can I use the money?

Lex, you know I love you, but no. It's not your responsibility to cover the workers' pay—that's Carmen's job.

I know. It's her responsibility. But she's such a piece of work. I swear, either this client is a test or Symone just really fucking dislikes me. I just want to drop Carmen, but I'd probably get fired if I did.

Yeah, I get it. I just don't think she'll come through with the payment. I need to figure out another solution.

Maybe ask your sexy, rich boyfriend for the cash? He'd probably be happy to help.

No way. I'm not going to ask him for money. I'd rather drain my own account if it comes to that. I just don't know how yet. I'll find a way.

If you say so. I'm heading into a client meeting now, so I have to go.


I'll tell you later. Love you—bye!

Love you too!

I set my phone down and gaze blankly out into the street, trying to brainstorm ways to pay Michael and his crew without using my own money. Symone used to have a company account for situations like this, but it was abused by employees who made big, unauthorized purchases and falsified records. She fired and sued them, and now we're all on a tight leash. We have to manage our budgets strictly to avoid such scenarios.

Clients often go over budget, but they usually have the funds to cover extra costs. I've dealt with tough clients before, but Carmen is in a league of her own. I know how to shop smartly, getting the best deals and timing my purchases perfectly. But this job is a logistical nightmare. There's demolition work, remodeling, and furniture to order, with half of it on backorder. I can't speed up the production process, though I can pay for faster shipping.

At least I'm spared from ordering food and liquor or hiring staff—one less headache. But I still need to find a contractor for the flooring. Carmen wants demolition and remodeling done today and then the floors installed as if time is limitless. I've budgeted for George and his crew for a week, but paying Michael and his team as well will stretch us thin. Carmen won't cough up the extra money, so this whole situation is a perfect storm of chaos.

I ran my hands through my hair, my fingers scraping across my scalp before sliding down to cover my face. I groaned in frustration, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on me. I'm too young to be this overwhelmed. As I lifted my head, I caught sight of Jordan pulling into the parking lot. Relief washed over me—I could use a bit of his lightheartedness right about now.

He approached with a bag of food in hand, a warm smile spreading across his face that instantly lifted my spirits. As soon as he sat down beside me, he cupped my face gently and leaned in, placing a long, tender kiss on my lips. His touch was soothing, and when he pulled away, he looked into my eyes with sincere apology.

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