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Alex's POV:

Your future needs you, your past doesn't. But what if I don't need my future? I'm selfish I guess. I don't care about what my future needs. I know what I need, and it's to succumb to my past.

My eyelids feel heavy as I try my best to open them. My head is pounding and my mouth is dry.

My whole body feels like it's being weighed down by a pile of imaginary blocks.

When my eyes finally flutter open I wake up in a room I don't recognise. I'm lying on a bed with blue sheets. Next to the bed is a small oak locker.

I let out a quiet sob. I survived.

I look to my side and see two sleeping boys on separate chairs next to me. One of them is Chase and the other is a boy I never though I'd see again outside of school.


I slowly sit up on the bed, trying to use my hands for support but I wince in pain. I look down at my arms and see the thick white bandages wrapped around each of them.

There is a tube with a red substance I can only assume to be blood in my arm. I look up to see the tube does indeed, lead to a blood bag.

I begin to panic. I told them not to bring me to a hospital. I start to hyperventilate and I can feel some tears streaming down my face.

Why the fuck am I always crying.

I try to move to get out of the bed but my body feels too heavy and when my feet make contact with the ground my legs give way and I fall on my face.

I notice I'm still wearing the same clothes And they are covered in blood.

My blood.

I gasp a little too loud and another sob comes out of my mouth. The world starts spinning and I curl into a ball while crying.

It feels like the world is crashing down on me. Everything around me is crumbling, and soon I will too.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. They feel safe and warm.

"Shh, it's okay" the familiar voice says.

I look up to see Logan with a worried expression plastered on his face.

"Come on let's get you up" he says while gently lifting me off the ground and onto the bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I look at him in confusion while wiping my tears away.

Everything is a blur as I try my best to stop panicking.

"Why are you here?" I sniffle. My voice is barely audible.

"Chase had a bad feeling and he came to get me, we drove to your house, found you and drove you here" he says in a soft tone.

"Is- is this a hospital?" I question hoping to god that it's not.

"No, I'm not sure what is is, it's a small house on the outskirts of town" he replies.

I turn around to see Chase still sleeping soundly. He's always been a heavy sleeper.

"I thought you hated me, you don't care about what happens to me. You don't want to be friends with us" I say looking up at him, confused at how much his attitude had changed towards me in the space of a day.

"I lied" he says. That leaves me more confused.

"Why?" I ask not understanding any of this.

"Oh you're awake" a feminine voice calls from behind me.

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