BLM- Important Authors Note

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This isn't a new chapter but I thought that it was important to talk about all that has been going on this past week in America.

As a white Irish person, I cannot even begin to understand what poc go through everyday in America and all around the world. It is unfair and absolutely disgusting.

The American justice system is incredibly corrupt and run by rich white assholes in favour of their rich white cheeto looking ass president.

This week George Floyd was MURDERED by a racist police man. He died from asphyxiation due to the pressure put on his neck by the knee of the police officer.

His death was wrong in so many ways. He did not resist arrest and repeatedly begged for the knee to be removed.

He was begging for his life.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt that if George was a white man, he would still be here today. But he is not.

I would like to say that I am so incredibly proud of everyone who has taken part in the protests for justice.

Protests which started out as peaceful have turned into riots all across America this week at the hands of the cops who release teargas and rubber bullets into crowds of people.


All they want is a chance for equality some day.

All they want is for black people and other poc to wake up in the morning and not be in fear of this day being their last just because of the colour of their skin.

It disgusts me that the very people who are supposed to protect their citizens and the people in their country, are the ones who are killing them.

As a white person, I recognise my privilege and I have always wanted to do everything I can to help the people who need it.

All lives don't matter until black lives do.

I haven't been able to make it to any protest here in Ireland because the nearest one is a few hours away and I can't drive but I have been very active on social media getting word out about the disgusting crimes committed against black people every single fucking day.

There is so much you can do to help like signing petitions online, sharing posts online, donating small amounts of money or texting JUSTICE to 55156.

The link to sign the petition for justice for the murder of George Floyd is:

I hope that one day, sooner rather than later, everybody, no matter their race can wake up in the morning without the fear of being shot for simply walking down the street looming over them.

We are all BEGGING for equality for our brothers, sisters, friends, cousins, mothers and fathers. Just like George begged for his life.

He couldn't get that, so the least we can do is continue to try.

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