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chapter 1

He said let's get out of this town. Drive-up to the city, away from the crowds. I thought heaven can't help me now.
Nothing lasts forever, but this is gonna take me down.


Caroline sat down quietly on the bench. It'd been 3 months since Caroline's mother died in a car accident and everyone seemed to move on. Klaus had moved 2 months before the death and Damon and Elena had been out traveling with Bonnie and Jeremy. Matt finally left the awful town with Tyler.

This left Caroline, Stefan, and April alone in Mystic Falls.

"I miss you, mom," Caroline whispered, stepping off of the bench and onto the wet soil. She stroked her long, delicate fingers across the gravestone and smiled.

"I thought I'd find you here." A deep voice said, resting a hand against her shoulder in a friendly gesture of comfort.

"I just can't believe she's dead," Caroline spoke so softly it was a mumble. Little balls of tears rolled off her porcelain face and onto the gravestone.

"I know Care. I know." Stefan responded with a soft smile, engulfing the girl in a warm and gentle hug.

"I can't be here anymore Stefan. This town has caused me nothing but pain. I need to go. I need to leave." Carolien cried into his worn black t-shirt.

"I know Care. I've been thinking of taking a little trip. Just you and me and April. We could go to New Orleans, there is a small rental there we could stay at." Stefan cooed, stroking her hair gingerly, rubbing the soft curls.

"What if she misses me? W-Who's gonna bring her flowers every week?" Sniffled caroline, wiping her runny nose.

"I think she would want you to be happy Caroline. She wouldn't want you to be stuck in this damn town when you're meant for much more." Stefan whispered into her ear.

"You're right. God, you're so right!" Caroline said, suddenly standing up caroline wiped her tears and turned her frown into a determined look, "I am Caroline Forbes and I do anything and live anywhere, and New Orleans better get ready for me."

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