Chapter 1.4

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Monica introduced us to her friend, who was coincidentally named Rachel. That was it, the trigger for an endless discussion between Dan, Monica and Rachel about the tv show 'Friends'. I hadn't watched a lot of 'Friends' despite being forced to numerous times by Dan. I was glad Dan had because I was, at that moment, not capable of holding a conversation. I was too immersed in my own thoughts on what was happening to me.

The Holos in front of me, the game-like nature of everything that had transpired since that morning, only led to one conclusion. I realized my wish from last night had come true. From now on, my life was going to be like a game. My mind was racing now like a horse in a derby race. The questions in my mind were like a hundred toddlers put in a single room, bumping into each other and going haywire in all directions.

How did my wish come true? What exactly was the wish? As far as I remembered, my wish had been very vague. 'I wish my life was like a game.' - that was it. Did it mean it would be like a game till I died? What kind of game? RPG? FPS? A freakin' puzzle game? I was shocked, to say the least. I was also utterly speechless.

My being speechless didn't go unnoticed by the girls and Dan. I saw Monica's face look at mine quizzically through the transparent Holos.

"Ok." I said to make all the Holos disappear once again. Hmm, I would need to find a better way to get rid of the Holos. Saying 'ok' every-time a Holo appeared would make me feel and look dumb, since nobody else could see them, right? Right? I silently prayed to God that was the case. Anyway, Dan was enough dumb for the both of us.

"Ok what?" Monica asked.Think quick, Ravi.
"Ok, I will go on a date with you. Tomorrow, if you're free. You're very beautiful." I slapped myself mentally. What an Idiot! You're coming on too strong!
"Haha. Sorry but I already have a boyfriend." Monica said almost apologetically.
"He may be arriving here any moment." She added cheerfully.
"What! We better run, Dan!" I said with mock fright in my voice.
Dan actually got up so I pulled him down with a yank.
"Sit down you gullible bas-, uhmm, best friend of mine."
"I was just playing along with you. Don't treat me like an idiot all the time. Enjoy your birthday, I am leaving." Dan huffed.
"Sorry." I said actually feeling guilty.
"Just messin' with ya'." Dan grinned. Everyone laughed except for me.

The conversation continued for a few more minutes during which I drifted back to my thoughts of the weird phenomenon that was happening to me. When I was about to punch Dan in the morning, there was a Holo above him. It showed that Dan was a Karate blue belt and that he was level 9. What the hell did that mean? I knew about Dan's blue belt of which he was very proud. But what did 'level' mean? Power level? That was the first thing that came to my mind. While I was thinking all this, a huge fellow came over to our table with a chair in his hand. 

Enter Brock, Monica's boyfriend, chair in hand, the Kryptonite to my superman, level20. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: Thanks For reading! I also know that there are several errors in the previous chapters, but I will try to edit them out. If you see any that I miss, please let me know in the comments. If there aren't any, then comment about the content, instead :D . Push the star button if you like the chapter. It would help me a lot. Thanks again! :) - Phenil

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