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"Shri Hari "


"When the realm of mortal men is under the influence of chaos; when men begin to fight each other because of greed and hunger; when the realm is divided into numerous territories; ten kings will rise and fight each other for the last gift of the seven saints."

- Ancient text found in the ruins of Dholavira in the 'White Desert of Kutch'


6 January, 2015.

11:50 P.M.

Washington D.C.

The president of the United States of America was seated at the head of the conference table in the White House Situation Room. The Situation Room was a very comfortable place to be. The air conditioning was perfect and the chair cushions were top notch. Yet, the President was agitated. He kept wiping the sweat off his brows at very short intervals. Several other people were also seated including the National Security Advisor, Vice President and Secretary of Defense.

Almost everyone was wearing business suits. There was only one person in the room who was sitting to the left of the President that looked out of place. He was wearing black trousers and a brown robe with a hood which covered his head and hid his face. A thin white rope held the robe closed near the waist. Everyone was looking at the six flat panel monitors which displayed live pictures from different satellites, drones and observatories.

A meteor entered the field of vision of one of the surveillance satellites. The man in the brown robe smiled.

"We will help you with everything we can." The President said turning towards the man.

"The King appreciates it. After all, this is for the good of America." The man replied.

The meteor seemed to have a mind of its own. It had already circled the earth once and was moving in a very strange trajectory.

"Why is it revolving around the earth? Its absurd. I don't understand this. Meteors should follow a linear path once they enter earth's gravitational field." A man wearing a white coat and spectacles asked the man in the robe. He was a physicist with NASA as the emblem on his coat advertised.

"It is circling the earth in ceremony. Even Olympics have opening ceremonies, do they not? This way every King knows that the battle is starting. It is also an indicator that the kings have now awakened their powers." The man spoke to the whole room.

Suddenly all lights in the room flickered and went out for whole five minutes. Everyone but the man in the brown robe was in panic. There was no one in the room who could explain the blackout. Many tried calling for help but no form of electronic communication was working. The emergency Tritium lights bathed the rectangular room in an eerie green glow. The President certainly looked ghostly pale. Electronic lights came back on but the meteor had disappeared from the monitors.

"Where did it go?" The President asked one of the technicians.

"We can't locate it, sir." The technician was furiously working away at a keyboard.

"Do not worry. This was never going to work. We have our own ways of finding things. The meteorite will be found within a year and as prophesied the battle will have started by then. I must go now. My King must need my assistance with his new powers. Farewell, Mr. President or perhaps I should call you the temporary King of North America."

The man in the brown robe disappeared into thin air just like he had appeared.


Author's Note: What is your opinion? Let me know in the comments...As always, thanks for reading - Phenil

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