Chapter 1

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I'm sitting on his bed. I've returned home just before traveling with Elphias Doge. I just got the news that mother died mere hours ago. My head is resting on my hands and I was struggling with the reality of it all. What I really want to do was to leave. I couldn't bear living in Godricks Hollow without mother, the only parent I had left after father had been arrested and sent to Azkaban. There was a gentle knock at the doorframe.

"Hey Albus," I quickly look up and wipe my face.

"Aberforth," my younger brother comes into my small room and sits on the bed next to me. 

"I didn't hear you arrive, I just saw your bags downstairs, why didn't you come find us?" 

"I'm sorry, I just needed a moment, I'll be down in a bit," I don't look at him.

"Ok good, because Ariana misses you," Aberforth starts getting up from the bed.

"Wait, Aberforth, are you doing ok? With, you know..." I ask him.

"I'm just trying to make sure that Ariana is okay," He responds, 

"Abe, seriously. I know you're not, I don't think any of us are," He doesn't say anything. I open my arms up to him and he practically falls into them. He hugs me so tightly I almost couldn't breath. He lets go after a moment

"Thanks," he wipes his nose, " I needed that,"

I nod, " let's go check up on Ariana," Aberforth grins at his brother.

"Ok," The brothers get up off of the bed and climb down the stairs to find Ariana sitting on the kitchen floor eating cheese and crackers. Her face lights up when she sees me. 

"Albus!" She jumps up and hugs me.

"Hi Ari," I hug back.

"When did you get here? I didn't here you come in?" She asks after releasing me from the hug, her hands still resting on my arms. 

"I got here about an hour ago, I just needed some time to process,"  I smile at her "I'm sorry I didn't come find you earlier,"

"That's ok, you only just heard about mother," The three of us fall silent.

"Hey, how about we go down to the beach, get our mind off of this for a while,"

"Oh! Yes! That would be so much fun!" Ariana's eyes light up, I can't tell if it's from happiness or she was about to cry.

"The beach?" I ask Aberforth.

"Oh that's right you've never been! It's a little secluded beach surrounded by cliffs and there's never anyone there! It's really quite beautiful, you're going to love it Al!" Ariana grins. Her smile is incredibly infectious and I can't help but smile too. Aberforth grins to.

"It's on the Isle of Wight, it's very secluded so we don't have to worry about muggles seeing us apparate," He explains. 

"Ok," I nod my head, "sounds like fun, shall we go?" Aberforth nods and takes Arianas hand. He turns on the spot and they disappear with a small pop. 

I follow them and I can smell the salty air before I can see it. I open my eyes and Ariana was right. It is beautiful. The sun is streaming straight onto the cliff sides behind me and I blink in the harsh sunset. I look around and Ariana has already stripped her shoes off and was wading in the ocean. Aberforth wasn't far behind her and was pulling his shoes off to join her. Ariana splashes water at him and laughs when he runs into the water to get back at her.

I smile and find a nice rock to sit on. As much as I love my siblings I would rather be traveling with Elphias. I pull my shoes off and sing my toes into the warm sand. This is probably the most relaxed I've been in a while. I close my eyes and lean back on my hands.

"Albus come join us!" I hear Ariana call out to me. I open my eyes and the two on them are very nearly soaked in seawater but they're also sporting the biggest smiles I've seen in a while.

"Nah, I don't really feel like getting wet," I say.

"Aw, your no fun Al," Ariana sticks her tongue out at me. Aberforth gives me a look. I sigh.

"Okay, okay, fine," I pull my self off the rock and walk over to join them. When the water laps over my feet I shudder and jump back. "Holy- it's freezing!" I exclaim.

"It's not that bad once you get used to it," Aberforth kicks some water at me. 

"Hey! Abe, stop it! It's too cold," I jump farther away from the water. Ariana runs towards me, grabs my hand and pulls me into the water. "Hey, hey, hey, oh my god it's so cold," I was then standing in almost knee high freezing cold water and my pants were soaking up water. Soon all of my clothes were soaked from being relentlessly splashed by both of my siblings. Admittedly they were right, I did get used to the water. 

After a few hours we leave the water, laughing and soaked to the bone. We magically dry off and apparate back home. 

"I'll start making dinner," Aberforth says once we arrive home. 

"Ooh, can I help!" Ariana asks, Aberforth nods and she follows him into the kitchen. I start walking upstairs to my room when an owl flys through the window. The large barn owl lands on a nearby chair and sticks it's leg out to me. I have no idea who would be writing to me, other then Elphais, but he has a tawny owl.

I take the letter and see that it's addressed to me. I open it and read the contents.


I hope that you are doing well. I heard that you recently arrived back home and I'm sending well wishes to you and your brother. My great-nephew Gellert Grindelwald is going to be staying with me this summer and I think you two boys would get along quite well. He is quite intelligent, but he needs to socialize a little bit more and I'm sure you could use a friend as well. He is arriving later this week and I shall inform  when he does you so as to introduce  you. And remember that if you ever need help or some company I am always available. 

-Bathilda Bagshot

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