Chapter 10

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"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Absolutely sure,"

It's dusk under the willow tree. Fireflies blink all around us. The sunset colors the sky brilliant pinks and oranges. 

We had been studying the incantation for the blood pact for hours. This can go horribly wrong if done incorrectly.

"Okay, ready you're wand," we raise our wands directly in front of our chests, and we begin the chant.

"Sanguine foedus cum aliquo contra se numquam ulla ratione forma magicae," together we raise our left hands, turning our palms skyward. We repeat the incantation. We hold our wands over the others hand and cut along the heart line. Golden magic spills from our palms and spiral around our wrists. Repeat incantation. We turn our palms to face each other and clasp them tightly together. The incantation is repeated three times before we release our hands and turn our palms up once again. "In hac enim nunquam pugnare sanguine foedus," We finish the incantation and watch in amazement as a tiny vial floats out of the golden light and hovers between our eyes. The golden threads get sucked into our palms and a large gust of wind bursts back out. Gellert gently catches the vial in his right hand and once it makes contact with his hand pain explodes from my left palm.

"Bloody hell!" I swear, collapsing to the ground. I grab my hand, and I look down to see it coated in a layer of blood. Gellert kneels before me, wincing from his own pain.

"Let me see," I give him my hand. "Vulnera Sanentur," he mutters. I wince. "Sorry Al, my hand is shaking," He tries to wipe some of the blood away. The gash wasn't completely healed, it stopped bleeding, but it would definitely leave a scar. It still hurt like hell.

"Gell, let me do you," I take his still bleeding hand. "Vulnera Sanentur," I wipe the blood off as best I can, revealing a  thin scar across his palm.

"Heh," He laughs, "You're much better a healing spells then I am,"

"What, did you expect me to just kiss it better?" I grin.

"Could you do both?" He smiles back at me. His smile is so genuine as I lift his palm, wiping as much blood away as I can and pressing a kiss to his fresh scar.

"Does it hurt anywhere else?" I ask, gazing straight into his unfairly pretty eyes. He not so subtly points to his lips and smiles as I lean in to kiss him. He takes my face in his hands as we share a gentle kiss.  I rest my head on his chest and he leans backward onto the ground, wrapping his arms around me.

We stay like that well into the night, talking quietly with each other until Gellert starts falling asleep.

"Gell?" I ask. "Gellert, wake up," I gently poke his cheek.

"Hm? What?" He slowly opens his eyes.

"You're falling asleep," I grin.

"Oh sorry," He says.

"Do you want to head back home?" I ask. He nods sleepily. I push myself off the ground and help Gellert to his feet. He yawns and my stomach flutters. He's adorable. 

We slowly start walking back to the village, arms around each other's shoulders. Gellert gently runs his thumb across my cut. 

"Hey, it's alright that you're not quite as talented in healing magic," I kiss his cheek. 

"I know, but I don't like hurting you," He mutters. I kiss him again.

"For the greater good, Gellert. For the greater good,"

"Albus, when did you cut your hand?" I'm helping make breakfast, Aberforth has me cutting some strawberries while he cooks the bacon. Aberforth turns around when I'm lost in thought and staring at the cut on my hand. He grips my wrist tightly running his finger over it. I can't help but wince in pain.

"Oh, um, I was cutting an apple last night and my hand slipped," I lie.

"This doesn't look like it was done by a knife or by accident, it wouldn't have healed that much if it was just last night, and it looks really painful," He looks at me suspiciously. I pull my hand away from him.

"I'm fine, Abe," I growl. 

"That's not what I was asking. What were you and Gelbert doing last night?" He asks.

"HIs name is Gellert and we weren't doing anything last night!" 

"Did he hurt you Albus?" He asks. I almost laugh, as if he's concerned about my well being.

"Merlins beard Aberforth! No!" I shout. 

"Then tell me what happened!" He yells.

"Nothing happened!"

"You're a bloody liar Albus," 

"Leave him alone Abe!" Ariana suddenly stands by my side.

"Ari-" I start."

"Really Ariana?" He stares at her in disbelief. "You're going to side with him? Have you even met Gelbert?"

"His name is Gellert!" We both say at the same time. 

"Ariana do you even know what he's done?" He asks.

"No, but I trust Albus," She says, taking my hand.

"Here's a tip Ari. Don't," He growls, his voice boarding between anger and annoyance. 

He turns on his heel and leaves, leaving the bacon cooking on the stove. 

"Al-" Ariana starts, turning back towards me.

"Just leave him he's being a bloody git," I say. "but thank you for sticking up for me,"

"Of course," She nods.

"Do you really trust me?" I ask her. She nods again and gently takes my hand.

"Does it hurt?" She asks.

"Yeah, a little," I admit, trying not to wince as she gently prods my palm.

"What actually happened?"

"Well," I scratch the back of my neck. "Me and Gellert made a blood oath,"

"What's that? What does it do?"

"It's a magical bond that's impossible to break. We swore that we would never fight each other with magic,"

"I might have a salve that can help upstairs that can help," She offers.

"I don't know if that would help, plus a part of the ritual is making a point to not numb the pain," I explain. 

"Okay, well. I'm glad that you and Gellert are doing well," She smiles. 

"Yeah, we are, we really are," I smile thinking about him falling asleep under the tree last night.

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