Chapter 8

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I know that I can't lie on my bed and mope forever. I push myself out of bed and into my chair at my desk. I grab a piece of parchment and start writing.

Dearest Gellert,

As you know, my brother Aberforth does not like you. I know you heard some of our conversation, don't deny it. I heard you disapparate. Abe seems to think that you went too far into the dark arts. He said that he talked with Bathilda about it, that's how he knew. I know that you would never lie to me, but I don't know why Abe would. Even if you were lying I'm sure you have a very reasonable explanation for it. Personally if I got expelled for such a horrible reason I wouldn't want my lover to know. I know that you would never repeat your mistakes and that you've changed as a person since your expulsion. You needn't be ashamed. I trust you, you don't need to lie anymore.

My argument with my brother has also made me realize that I should be doing more for my siblings. I'm going to be the only one taking care of Ariana when Abe goes to school at the end of the summer, and I need to be prepared to do so. I haven't spent any time with my sister, and I have a responsibility to do so. That doesn't mean I want to spend more time with her, but I have to. I'm sure you understand, but I don't think we'll be able to see each other as often as we have been. We can continue our evening meetings under the willow tree, but I am unsure about how much time taking care of my sister requires.

If you ever need anything, or wish to tell me something, or if you just simply want to, owl me.

Yours forever,                                                                                                                                                                          Albus

I set my quill down and fold up my letter. I light a candle and drip liquid wax onto it to seal it. I stamp the wax and let it cool completely. I head down stairs to our Golden Masked Owl, Aeolus. 

"Hey buddy," I whisper, painfully aware of Aberforth still washing dishes from breakfast, "This is for Gellert, don't let Abe stop you," He takes the letter in his beak and flys off.

"Albus," Aberforth says once Aeolus had gone.

"What," I Grumble.

"Come help us with the goats," He says before leaving. I internally groan before following him. Once I'm outside he throws a pitchfork at me. "You're going to help Ariana pick up poop, once you're done with that you're both going to help me milk the nannys,"

"The what?" I ask.

"The girls," He says. "Now get to work,"

I head out to the pasture and find Ariana already there working hard. One baby goat following close behind her. Occasionally trying to stick his nose in her pockets causing her to laugh.

"Hey Ari," I say once I'm within earshot.

"Al!" She smiles at me. "You're actually helping us!"

"Uh, yeah," I say awkwardly.

"Oh I'm so happy! I always have to pick up everything on my own while Aberforth fills up their water," She pick up her pitchfork again and leans over to scoop up another pile of droppings. I find some and start scooping as well.

"But I can introduce you to all the goats! I know you don't really like them much, but they're really very sweet," she continues. "This one behind me is Balthazar, he was born last spring. I tend to sneak him treats," he sticks his nose in he pocket again. She giggles and whispers something to him. 

She continues talking about the goats, I tune her out and focus on scooping. Soon my focus morphs into frustration. I could be doing something much more productive with my time. I could be studying. I could be researching. Merlin even just sitting quietly with Gellert would be more productive than cleaning up goat dung. 

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