Chapter 11

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I lay in bed in the early morning. Golden sun streaming through the windows. I clutch the golden vial in my hands, running my fingers over the smooth glass. I think about Gellert. His prominent cheek bones, sunken eyes, golden hair, rough hands, mysterious smile, eyes as blue as the sky, skin as pale as morning clouds. I think about the sun filtering through his hair, the delicate shadows cast by his blond eyelashes. The way he speaks, like soft butter a spread across a piece of toast, smooth and rich. The way he moves, like a dancer in the wind, graceful and deliberate. His entire being like the rain, comforting and life giving, no matter how rough it can be. It makes sense to, Aberforth hates the rain while I adore the thunder.

I can't help but think of Ariana and guilt washes through me. She defended me yesterday and yet I still want to be rid of her. I can't help but want to leave this place that ties me down. I yearn to travel and learn and know the world that surrounds me. I long to spend more time on the hunt for the hallows instead of babysitting. The wand is practically in out grasp. Gellert knows where it is and we could get it, if only I could leave. It's not like I hate this place, it's more like I don't want to live here, but come the holidays I'd look forward to coming home.

Soon I tire of simply sitting and thinking, after my mind had completely drifted from Gellert. I push myself upward and conjure a chain for the vial. I slip the chain around my neck and tuck the vial under my shirt. I swing my legs over the side of my bed and stand upright. I take a moment to listen to Aberforth and Ariana, still in their rooms. I can just barely hear Arianas breathing through the wall that we both share. Aberforth walking throughout the house, annoyingly loud for this hour of the morning. I inhale the sweet morning air and head downstairs.

"Good morning Albus," Abe greets me, although somehow managing to act like I'm not really there. I don't respond. "Today we're going to milk the goats, along with the rest of the chores, so we're going to need your help," Great. "I made cinnamon buns if you'd like one, they're on the table," Ooh, cinnamon buns. I grab a bun and start unrolling it, eating the outside parts first. Aberforth wrinkles his nose at me.

"What?" I ask.

"I just don't understand why you eat them like that, they're rolled up for a reason. Plus you're just getting sugar all over your fingers,"

"It makes them taste better, and I can do this," I loudly lick the sugar off my fingers to his disgust. I grin at his visible annoyance.

"Whatever, just meet me in the barn when you're done," He waves me off and heads outside. I sigh and finish my bun in peace. Instead of going outside after him, I write a letter to Gellert. Chances are that I won't have as many chores tomorrow so I could sleep in. Which means that we can meet in the night and continue our search. I roll it up, seal it, and give it to Aeolus. The owl soars into the morning light through the window and is gone. Knowing that if I dawdle anymore Aberforth would get suspicious, I head outside.

The barn in our backyard is barely a barn. It's more of a small shed with three walls. I walk through the goat-sheared grass to the barn as Aberforth is gathering buckets and bottles.

"Is Ariana going to help?" I ask.

"She's still asleep," He says and turns around holding two of the buckets. He thrusts them into my arms and I struggle to not drop them. "Go sit on the stool, I'll bring the goats," I begrudgingly sit on the short wooden stool and Aberforth grabs one of the goats and brings her over. Once she sees the milking bucket she trots over and stands over it. "Did I ever teach you how to milk a goat?" He asks, herding a second goat over to his stool.

"No," I respond. "But how hard can it be?" Aberforth says nothing and rolls up his sleeves. He starts milking and I start trying to. Apparently it's not as easy as it looks. I try for several minutes before Aberforth lets his goat go and squats down next to me.

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