𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 [ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ]

202 8 29

It was quiet, no sounds except for the sobs that were muffled by the soft pillow. The darkness was enveloping everything that it touched, leaving the soul to bathe more in its loneliness.

The silence was making everything worse, making it able for everyone else to hear the sadness they were experiencing. A broken heart had done so much damage, eliminating any desire to continue breathing. Simply nothing could be done, no remedy to be put together, no sentences could be made. No. There was nothing.

Foolish to believe how everything had started with drinks and laughter echoing around the small apartment. Seven friends that had been apart for far too long. A reunion that was supposed to be a dream come true soon turned into a neverending nightmare with no way to wake up. Night terrors came to life, leaving everyone in despair.

A drunken confession that was never meant to be heard by anyone came out. The youngest of the group could do nothing else then come back to his senses and run into the comfort of his room, pouring his heart out into the dark outside. Even the moon seemed dim in his eyes, the shine that always amazed him was suddenly gone. That broke him more, the stories that his mother told him when he was young resonating in his ears, causing his skull to throb uncomfortably. He needed to get up and get something to stop it before he lost the little sanity he had left.

Expecting everyone to be gone after hell broke loose, he went out of his room with loud steps. His head snapped up when he heard subtle snores and a body curled in his couch. As he got closer, he got to see the enchanting features that he had fallen in love with so many years back, but it only grew stronger every time he saw the elder. It was an undying love that he kept to himself for too long, causing him to explode helplessly.

The person started shuffling in their sleep, reaching their hands out to grab at whatever, which was the younger's shirt. With a hard grip and a pull, the baby of the group was now in the other's chest. It seemed far too good to be true, the elder was going to regret doing this when he woke up, so he tried to untangle their limbs. He decided against it when he heard a voice that he had also grown fond of.

"Please stay, Jungkookie. Stay with me." He said, his voice low and gravely from sleep. The distant smell of alcohol signalled that the elder was now sober.

"I need to get something for my head. And I know you need something too, Taehyung. Let me go, I embarrassed myself enough." The younger murmured, not wanting his voice to crack because of the tears slowly filling his eyes.

There was a wince, probably because the younger had called the other by his name, something he never did unless something was serious. His grip loosened slowly, truly not wanting to let go, but respecting the other's wishes regardless. A barely audible 'thanks' was heard, and then softer footsteps headed to the bathroom.

Though he tried to be quiet and hold his sobs in, he failed and alarmed the elder. Quick steps neared the other who was now on the floor with the two pills on his hand. His face was red with the tears he had shed. Taehyung felt bad for thinking that he looked gorgeous, the light was hitting his face perfectly as the glistening tears slid down slowly.

"Oh, come on big baby. You didn't even let me speak before. Did you know that I love you more than I love myself? For a while now, too. But of course, you had to run away, being the dramatic boy I love so much." Taehyung whispered as he embraced the trembling boy who flinched at the words and sobbed even louder. But now, he was mumbling the same three words back out of happiness. Not wanting to believe that it was all fine, that he was fine.

The elder was now sitting on the floor with the younger male on top of him, rocking them both back and forth. An attempt to calm Jungkook that had a lot of effect as his frantic breathing and shaking shoulders calmed down. Sweet words being mumbled back and forth, both seemingly in a trance of being to be like this with the other. Not processing that their feelings for each other were mutual and they had a chance.

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