Some Body, Any Body

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Alexis's POV

Right now, I'm in Sideswipe's vehicle and we're racing through the subway tunnels. Sideswipe and I are the first ones in the tunnels and the others are still further behind us.

Sideswipe then transforms, with me flying out as he catches me and places me on his shoulder as he runs through the tunnels. He then starts to slow down.

"Whoo-hoo! Personal best," Sideswipe said as he checked his time and got a new record. "We're here, Bee. You might just wanna leave these recon missions to Alexis and I. I wouldn't want want anyone to bust a strut trying to keep up," Sideswipe told Bee through the comm link.

"Some of us might drive faster if we weren't dragging three tons of Dinobot behind us," Strongarm stated through the comm link.

"It's two, two and a half tons, tops," I could hear Grimlock say.

"Just stay out of human sight until we join you guys, Sideswipe," Bee then said.

"Will do," Sideswipe said as he continued to walk forward with me still on his shoulder. We then heard a train coming towards us from behind. We then hide behind a pillar on the side of the tracks.

"But I don't have to listen to Strongarm make sorry excuses while I'm waiting, do I?" Sideswipe then asked.

"If this was an actual race, we both know who'd win," Strongarm said while I saw Sideswipe doing a hand gesture of mocking Strongarm. This caused me to giggle.

"Bumblebee, will you please remind the cadet..." Sideswipe started saying.

"That this is a mission, not a contest? Glad to remind you both," Bee said through the comm link.

"Classic, Bee," I said to myself.

"A Decepticon signal isn't a joke," Bee then said.

"I'm not so-- Huh?" Sideswipe cut himself off as we both heard something transforming. But before we could see what it was, something hit us, which made us to get thrown to a wall.

Everything felt like is was fading to complete darkness.

"Sideswipe? Alexis, Come in. Sideswipe! Alexis!" Was the last thing I heard until everything went black.


Once I started waking up, I looked in my surroundings. It looked like I was on a table. As I got up, I tried to walk forward, but then I hit something. That was when I was fully awake.

I then realized I was in a glass container. I then looked around me to see many other glass containers that held cool stuff.

I then saw Sideswipe laying against a medical bay with restraints so he doesn't escape. I then started banging on the glass to wake him up.

"Sideswipe! Wake up!" I yelled. At least that got his attention.

"Wha...where am I?" He asked himself. He then tried getting loose from the restraints. "Bumblebee, come in. Strongarm? Is this your idea of payback?" Sideswipe tried calling out to them. He then saw me.

"Alexis. What happened?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I just woke up in here," I told him.

"Oh, this is not payback, I assure you," I heard a voice say.

"Not good. Not good. Help!" Sideswipe said, all freaked out.

"No one will hear you. These walls, they're very thick," The voice said.

Transformers Robots in Disguise: The Twins Return (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now