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(A/N: Happy Valentine's Day Luvers. Enjoy the day spending it with your loved ones)

Here at the Hokage office, right after Sakura's confession, Shiori and Sasuke's minds goes blank

"You did what?!" Shiori yells, seeing red

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was thinking" Sakura says guiltily

"You mean while I was in the surgery room, unconscious, you snuck in and extracted my seminal fluid?! Were you out of your mind?!" Sasuke says angrily

"She used your fluids to get pregnant, and so her daughter Sarada, is biologically yours as well Sasuke" Naruto finishes

"You promiscuous woman! How dare you touch my man!" Shiori yells, Byakugan activated, as she runs to hit Sakura

'Oh no!' Naruto thought

"Shiori! Calm down!" but Shikamaru holds her back

"Let me go!" Shiori yells as she tries to break free from Shikamaru's grasp

Sasuke on the other hand is shaking in anger, Naruto notices Chakra forming in his hand


Naruto reacts quickly as he grab Sasuke's hand

"I know you're angry, but calm down" he whispers to him

Sasuke is still shaking in anger, his teeth are clenched as well. Shiori on the other hand is glaring daggers at Sakura as she tries shaking Shikamaru off

'I can't really blame their reactions. What Sakura did is unforgivable. I was disgusted when she confessed to me' Naruto thought

Shiori, getting angrier and angrier by the minute starts screaming

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Sakura cries

"I hired you and let you work for me! And this is how you repay us? Steal another woman's husband's seminal fluid because of obsession?! You are a promiscuous woman! I will never forgive you! I will kill you for what you've done! KYAAAAAHHHHH!" Shiori screams as her wings bursts out of her back, pushing Shikamaru aside

'Oh no, Shiori is REALLY angry'

Shikamaru, Sakura and Naruto, covers their ears. But Sasuke doesn't react, probably due to anger

Little did any of them know, that Shiori's younger brother, Shion, with five of the Uchiha kids hears all this from outside

Moments earlier...

The five older Uchiha kids are walking through the halls of the Hokage residence alongside their uncle Shion

"I told you guys we should have waited for your parents back at home" Shion says

"But we want to see them as soon as possible!" Shiho says excitedly

"Besides, Shiho, Sosuke, and I want to show them our test papers" Shun says

"Yeah, perfect score on the first short examination at school" Sosuke smirks proudly

"I'm sure they'll be delighted" Shion chuckles

"Too bad Ren, Iori and Yu can't come with us" Shiro says

"They are fast asleep" Kyosuke chuckles

They were with Shion at their grandfather and grandmother's when they heard their parents finally got back from their mission, so they begged Shion to go pick them up

"You did what?!" they hear their mom yell

"What's going on?" Shun wonders

They hear their dad yell as well. They turn to look at each other and Shion brings a finger to his lips, telling them to keep quiet. The door to the Hokage's office is slightly open, so they peek inside. There they see Sasuke and Shiori with Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura

Naruto: Piercing Hearts (Sasuke x OC)Where stories live. Discover now