Connected Feelings

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Shiori and Sasuke are with Naruto at the roof of the Hokage residence

They are at the railings talking about the most recent mission when Naruto spots Sarada

"You know, Sarada deserves to have her father in her life, even if her mother did what she did" Naruto says as he smiles sadly at his two friends

"Naruto, I thought we told you we don't want to speak of this again" Sasuke sighs, but he and Shiori follows his gaze anyway

Sarada is gazing at the other kids with their parents 

"I must admit, I do feel sorry for the child. Still, the trauma we endured..." Shiori says

"Come on guys, open your hearts to her. Sasuke, you of all people should know what it's like to grow up without a father"

'Yeah, it was sad. But still...'

Sasuke and Shiori looks at each other

'What should we do Shiori?'

Sasuke sees Shiori's eyes soften, which Sasuke understands

'Your heart is way too big Shiori, but *Chuckle* that's one of the things I love about you'

Then the two looks back at Naruto

"Alright Naruto, if we're not busy, she could see me" Sasuke says

"Great! I knew you two would come around" Naruto beams

"You should be thanking my wife's soft heart" Sasuke chuckles

"You're actually soft yourself Sasuke" Naruto comments

"But remember Naruto, our only condition is Sakura will not be involved as her daughter build a connection with Sasuke" Shiori says seriously

"Aye Aye" Naruto nods

Sarada is still looking at the other kids when someone stops next to her

"Huh?" Sarada looks up to see Sasuke

"Dad?!" she exclaims in surprise

"What are you doing here, shouldn't you be going home?" Sasuke asks

"Well, I'm waiting for my friends"

"So your name is Sarada huh?" Sasuke says

'He's asking about me!'

"H-Hai! I'm Sarada Haruno, 8 years old" Sarada says excitedly

"What about you dad? Can I ask about you?" Sarada says nervously

"Well, I'm Sasuke Uchiha, and you already know that I'm Shun, Sosuke, and Shiho's dad" Sasuke says

"Shiho mentioned she have more brothers right?"

"Yes. Me and my wife have eight kids, Shiho is our only daughter"

'R-Right, dad has a wife, and it's not mom'

"What made you decide to talk to me now, you weren't so thrilled a while back" Sarada asks sadly

"I too grew up without a father, you don't deserve to go through the same. I may not be able to be around much, but, you may approach me when needed. But I am sorry that I can't put you first" Sasuke says

"You accepting me is more than enough" Sarada smiles

"Daddy!" someone exclaims, and there in the distance, is Shiho, running towards the two

When she spots Sarada, her mood sours

"What are you doing here with her daddy?" Shiho asks

"We were talking. Anyway, what are you doing alone Shiho? Where's Shun and Sosuke?" Sasuke asks

"They're training at the compound training grounds. Uncle Shion said you and mother have returned so I wanted to walk with you guys home" Shiho beams

"Come on, your mother is just finishing talking to Uncle Naruto, let's wait for her inside" Sasuke says as he and Shiho starts making their way in

"U-Umm see you guys later" Sarada waves

"Hn" Shiho just turns away in a huff

"It's gonna take awhile to win my half siblings over, but Dad acknowledging me is a huge step forward!" Sarada says happily

On the other side of things, Shiho is pouting

"Why were you talking to her daddy?" she says

"Your mom and I decided to have her build a connection with us" Sasuke says

"What? Why? You don't have to you know"

"Shiho, I know it's hard for you after everything that happened, it was for us too. But what's done is done"

"Does that mean I'm not your little princess anymore?" Shiho says sadly

"What are you talking about? You'll always be my little princess" Sasuke chuckles as he pats his daughter on the head, cheering her up

'I'm daddy's only princess'

Sarada goes home to tell her mother the good news, which surprises Sakura

"What? He talked to you?"

'Did Naruto and Shikamaru talked to him?'

"I'm so happy mom!" Sarada beams

"I'm happy for you sweetie. I really am" Sakura smiles

'Thank goodness everything is really turning up. My new clinic is nearly completed too'

With Shiori and Sasuke, they explained their decision with Shiori's parents and siblings. They were angry at first but they also came to accept the two's decision

"You both are really hopelessly kind aren't you" Shiori's sister sighs

"Well Naruto was quite convincing" Sasuke says

"Well if that's what you want, we won't say anything more" Shiori's father says

"But remember, your children's well being comes first and foremost. Especially after that traumatic experience at the Hokage residence" Shiori's mother says

"Of course" Sasuke and Shiori nods

Sakura then stops by Naruto's house to thank him

"So I heard from Sarada. You talked to Sasuke didn't you Naruto?"

"Sure did, but it was Shiori and Sasuke's decision at the end. But still..."

"But what?"

"They do have one condition though" Naruto says hesitantly

'A condition?'

"And what's their condition?" Sakura asks

"Well they don't want you involved as Sarada and Sasuke build a connection. Basically, they want you to stay away from their lives even if your daughter is involved" Naruto explains

'They must really hate my guts. And I can't exactly blame them'

"I want to reconcile with them, especially Shiori"

"I don't know about that Sakura. The wounds are still fresh you know" Naruto says worriedly

"It's better than doing nothing"

"Right now, giving them some space is the best choice. For now why don't you focus on your clinic" Naruto comments

"I suppose you're right. Still, I'm worried my clinic won't be as great of a success my job with Shiori was" Sakura sighs

"Don't be so negative, you have been a loved medical ninja, your loyal fans will surely go to you" Naruto says reassuringly

'Naruto's right. Negativity won't get me anywhere. I will make this clinic a success and I will reconcile with Sasuke and Shiori'

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