Sasuke and Boruto

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Boruto is in class with his classmates, and once again, Sosuke Uchiha is the center of attention for perfectly hitting the targets

"Very good Sosuke, you did it again. I didn't expect any less from my best student" Shino claps proudly

"You really showed them, huh Sosuke?" Shun says

"Hn. Of course, I'm not called number one in class for nothing you know" Sosuke says

Boruto grits his teeth in annoyance

'Ughh it's always about him. Ooh look at me I'm the great Sosuke Uchiha and I always perform flawlessly' Boruto mocks Sosuke in his head

"What's up Boruto?" Shikadai asks

"That Uchiha really annoys me. He acts all high and mighty and believes he's the best in the class" Boruto says

"He is the best in the class though, even Sensei said so" Denki points out, adding salt to the wounds

"Ah I'll show him who's really the best one of these days" Boruto says, promising himself that he'll outclass Sosuke Uchiha

After class, Boruto decides to go to the training fields to train. But unbeknownst to him, the Uchiha couple are also there

From afar, Boruto spots them

'Aw man, someone's also here'

Immediately, he gets engrossed by their match

"Whoah! So cool!"

Shiori, up in the air, does hand signs and produces balls of flames, Sasuke goes to dodge her attacks and does the fireball Jutsu

"You're getting better dear" Shiori comments

"Of course. I could say the same about you" Sasuke says as he moves to throw a bunch of shuriken in Shiori's direction, but she dodges every single one

Shiori lets out her wings and throws a bunch of kunai knives at Sasuke, which he also dodges

"Woah, those two are amazing" Boruto says to himself as he continues to watch the two in excitement

"Just who are they?"

'If they become my mentors, I'll be stronger than Sosuke in no time!'

When Sasuke and Shiori finish their practice match, they stop by a nearby tree and they drink their water

"I haven't had an all out match in a while" Sasuke comments

"Indeed, that was quite a work out huh?" Shiori says as she hands Sasuke a towel to wipe off his sweat

When suddenly, Boruto runs up to them

"Well, if it isn't Boruto Uzumaki, what brought you here?" Shiori beams

"Please be my teachers!" Boruto exclaims

"Huh?" The two adults looks at each other then back at Boruto

"Your skills are phenomenal, I couldn't stop watching you guys. I want to be as strong like you two. So please! Teach me!" Boruto begs

Shiori and Sasuke exchange looks

"Alright, why don't you join my husband here tomorrow? He will be here training" Shiori says

"Really?! Thank you!" Boruto bows gratefully

"You're not gonna join us?" Sasuke asks Shiori

"I have work in the facility. I'll drop by if I have time though" Shiori says

Boruto is super excited for his training

"I'm gonna be the strongest ninja just you watch!" he beams

"So Boruto, how's your mother? We haven't seen her in a while" Shiori says

"She's doing good Aunty. By the way, you know my mother?"

"Of course we do, we are friends after all" Shiori smiles

"You seem determined to get stronger" Sasuke points out

"Yeah well, I have this guy in my class who everyone admires for being the best" Boruto says as he remembers Sosuke's arrogant face

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. That's why I want to become far more stronger than he is. And seeing how powerful you two are, I know I'm learning from the best" Boruto exclaims

"You could always ask your father to train you, he is far stronger than us after all" Shiori says

"He's way too focused on work to train me. Besides, you two are far stronger than he is!"

"Well that's a nice compliment" Shiori giggles

"Why don't we start training now?" Boruto suggest

"Sorry Boruto, we have to return home for the day, our kids are probably waiting" Shiori says as she and Sasuke stands up

"Wait before you go, tell me your names" Boruto says as he also stands up

"Sasuke and Shiori Uchiha" Sasuke says as he and Shiori vanish into smoke

"Uchiha?" Boruto repeats

The very next day, Boruto goes to the training fields where he saw Sasuke, but alongside him is a trio that he wasn't expecting

"The Uchiha siblings?!" Boruto says as he points at Shiho, Sosuke, and Shun

"Hi Boruto" Shiho smiles

"What are you guys doing here?" Boruto asks

"What else? We're here to train with our dad, we should be asking you what you're doing here" Sosuke says

"Why I atta" Boruto irks

'I hate this guy's attitude'

"It seems you guys have met" Sasuke says

"I knew something was up when you told me your names!" Boruto exclaims

"So let me guess, it's my son Sosuke you were talking about yesterday" Sasuke says

"You were talking about me huh? What is it about?" Sosuke asks

"None of your business" Boruto says

"My name is involved, of course it's my business"

"Okay that's enough. And let's start today's training" Sasuke says

"Why am I training with them anyway? I thought you were training me one on one" Boruto says

"Now now, I already planned to train with my kids today"

"Then I'll train with you another day"

"Who knows when I'll be free again. For all we know, your father might send me to another mission that will last weeks" Sasuke explains

"Ugghhh" Boruto grunts

"Hn. If you don't like it go away so we could start training" Sosuke says as he cross his arms

"Oh come on guys, let's just train together" Shiho says as she tries to keep the peace

"Shiho's right, what's the harm in it? We are classmates after all" Shun says

"Fine" Boruto and Sosuke sighs

"Alright, let's begin our training. First give me five laps across the field so I can see how fast you are" Sasuke says as the four kids nod

"I'm not letting you beat me again Uchiha" Boruto says

"Bring it on Uzumaki" Sosuke says back

Once again, Boruto and Sosuke tries to out match each other

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