A wish to meet you

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The next day, Sakura is lounging on the couch, looking at the checks she received from Sasuke and Shiori

'What am I suppose to do now?'

Sarada comes down to greet her mother

"Hey mom, aren't you supposed to be at work?" she asks

"No sweetie, I have the day off" Sakura says in order to not worry her daughter

As soon as Sarada goes back to her room, Sakura stares at the checks again and made a decision

'I can't mope about my job forever, I have to get back on my feet'

There, she decided to open her own clinic

A few hours later, Shikamaru arrives...

He and Sakura are talking in the living room. Sarada is about to go down but she stops when she notices the serious looks on the two's faces

"He is still Sarada's father" Sakura says

This perks Sarada's interest so she listens carefully

"Speaking of which, I have to go" Shikamaru says as he stands up

"Where are you going?" Mom asks

"I have to meet up with the man himself. I have to give him his next mission" Uncle Shikamaru says as he walks to the door

'I have to follow him, this may be my only chance to meet my father'

As soon as Shikamaru leaves, Sarada sneaks out of the house and follow him

She is giddy and excited to meet her father

'I'll finally be able to meet you'

And soon enough, Shikamaru stops at a quiet neighborhood and faces a handsome looking man

"Dad" Sarada says

The two men looks at her

"Sarada?!" Shikamaru says in surprise

"So this is her? Shikamaru, why is she here? I thought I said I didn't want to speak of this again" Sasuke says rather coldly, which confuses Sarada

"She must've followed me. Well we can't turn back time" Shikamaru sighs

"Dad. I've always wanted to meet you" Sarada says excitedly, but much to her dismay, he doesn't look happy at all to meet her

"Dad?" Sarada looks at him in confusion

Sasuke sighs before bending down to her level

"Look, I'm sure you are a kind child, however, I cannot be there for you" Sasuke says bluntly

Sarada's heart drops

"But da--"

"You're not at fault. I have a wife and kids whom I love dearly. The news that I apparently have a daughter outside the family has been stressful for us. I already gave your mother money for child support, so please, I don't want to speak of this again" Sasuke says coldly

'He paid mom to keep me away?'

Sarada tears up

"Sasuke, isn't that a little blunt?" Shikamaru sighs

"It's better for her to hate me than her mother"

'If I act nice, she would become more attached to me, I can't have that'


"Daddy!" they hear someone yell

They turn they're heads to see Shun, Sosuke, and Shiho running up to them

'Wait, my dad is their dad? So they're my half siblings'

As soon as the three of them sees Sarada,  they stop in their tracks and glare heavily at her

"Daddy!" Shiho says as she runs to Sasuke and hugs his arm

"There's my little princess" Sasuke smiles as he picks Shiho up in his arms

(A/N: Yes I know that Sasuke lost an arm, but hey, this is fanfiction, at least here let's give him his arm back)

'Ever since I got here, he didn't smile at me once, he didn't have the softness in his eyes like he does now. It's only now that Shiho, Shun, and Sosuke arrived' Sarada thought sadly

"What are you doing here Sarada?" Shun asks

"I just wanted to meet dad" Sarada answers

"Don't you dare call him that!" Shiho exclaims

"Calm down Shiho" Sasuke says as he hugs her

"You are nothing but a mistake made by your mother. Our father didn't choose to have you, this is all your mother's fault" Sosuke says coldly

"What are you talking about?" Sarada asks in confusion

"Ask your mother that" Sosuke says

"That's enough you three" Shikamaru says

"But it's true, mom gave her mother a job and she goes to impregnate herself using dad, without dad's knowledge!" Shiho says as she hugs Sasuke tighter

'What?' Sarada's eyes widens from the revelation

"Well she got half of what she deserved, she got fired from her job" Shun says

"That's enough you three, she doesn't need to know any of that" Sasuke says as he lightly scold his children

Upset, Sarada runs away and returns home

When she gets home, Sarada immediately confronts her mother

"There you are Sarada, where have you been?" Sakura asks as she steps out of fhe kitchen

Sarada clenches her fists

"Is it true?" Sarada asks

"What's true?"

"I was born from your mistake. And they paid you to keep quiet and stay away"

Sakura's eyes widens

"W-Where did you hear that from?"

"I followed uncle Shikamaru when he went to meet up with dad"

"So you met him?!" Sakura says in surprise

"I did, and he wasn't at all happy to see me" Sarada says sadly

'Oh Sasuke, I know what I did was wrong, but she's still your daughter'

"I was born from your gross mistake. How could you do that mom?!" Sarada exclaims

"Sarada I made a stupid mistake, but that doesn't mean you are a mistake" Sakura says as she trues to calm her daughter

"I don't want to hear it! So that's why you never wanted me to meet my own father!" Sarada exclaims

"Sarada" Sakura tries to approach her daughter but she runs up to my room, slamming the door behind her

Sakura sighs, tears falling from her eyes

'Why does this has to happen? Why must I be punished more'

With Sarada, she climbs to her bed and sobs as she hugs her pillow tightly

She remembers how cold her father was to her, but so warm towards her half siblings

"All I wanted was to meet my father. And yet he doesn't want anything to do with me" she says to herself

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