Attempts to Reconcile

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Sakura is in her clinic, when she notices Shiori walk pass. She turns to one of the medical ninjas she hired

"Watch over the clinic for a bit"

"Yes ma'am"

Sakura runs out to greet Shiori

"Hi Shiori" she says as she runs up to her

"Ughh. Yeah hi" Shiori says in disgust as she continues walking

"So Shiori, where are you going?" Sakura asks as she walks after Shiori

'Why is she following me? Leave me alone already' Shiori thoughts

"To my parents" she answers

"Oh I see"

"Shouldn't you be focusing on getting a new job?" Shiori says

"My new clinic is not busy at the moment so one of my medical nin is watching over the place" Sakura explains

"I see"

"I doubt it will be as successful as your hospital but I'll get there"

'Please go away already'

Shiori calms herself as the trauma is still fresh

"Well best of luck to you" she says as she quickens her pace, but Sakura continues to follow her

'Shiori is responding, so that should be a good sign right?'

Before Sakura could say anything more, people begin to notice Shiori and approaches her

"Hi Shiori, it's been a while"

"I know, I've been busy" Shiori smiles

"I love what you did to your hair"

"Thank you, I've been using a new conditioner"

Shiori is immediately surrounded by people and Sakura is pushed to the side

'Woah! Shiori's fans are really something'

Shiori continues on her walk as she talks with the people surrounding her

"There goes my opportunity" Sakura sighs in disappointment

'Ah free at last, a second longer and my wings might've came out' Shiori thought as she sighs in relief

Not wanting to give up, Sakura decides to buy Shiori some flowers as an apology, so she heads to Ino's shop

"Hey Ino. Do you have Shiori's favorite flowers?" Sakura asks

"I do. She still hasn't forgiven you huh?" Ino asks

"No" Sakura sighs

'Wait a minute...How'd she...'

"How did you know?" Sakura asks

"Shiori and I are best friends, we tell each other everything. Including what you did to her husband who was unconscious at the time when you did what you did to get pregnant" Ino says

"Figures" Sakura sighs

"What you did was pretty messed up you know, no wonder Shiori wants to kill you so bad" Ino comments

"What did she say about me?" Sakura asks

"Well she said so many things about you, I can't remember all of them. But for the most part, she said you are a promiscuous woman who she wants to kill and bury in the ground"

Sakura sighs

'She hates me that much huh?'

"If you want to say sorry to Shiori, you should add white tulips. She should pick up on it because she knows what flowers symbolizes"

"Great. I'll have white tulips along with Shiori's favorite flowers"

"Alright, coming right up. But you know, saying this might be bad for business, but flowers will not be enough for Shiori to forgive you. What you did is just that bad"   Ino comments

"*Sigh* I know, I'm taking it one step at a time"

"Well good luck with that" Ino says as she hands Sakura the bouquet

"You're not mad at me?"

"Of course I am, but what can I do? What's done is done. It's what you do moving forward is what counts" Ino says

'She's right. I can't alter the past. All I could do now is move forward and fix what I broke'

After getting flowers from Ino's shop, Sakura proceeds to Shiori's house

When she knocks on the door, Shiori's younger brother answers the door

"Oh, it's you" at the sight of Sakura, his face turns serious

"Hey Shion, is Shiori home?" she asks

"She's out with the kids" Shion answers

"What do you want anyway?" he asks

"I just want to give her these flowers, as a way to say sorry. Can you give this to her?" Sakura asks as she hands him the flowers

"Sure. Is that all?"

'He's really serious'

"Well, ye---" she doesn't even get to finish her sentence when Shiori's brother shuts the door

"Even he's mad at me too huh? Sakura sighs

Sakura is doing everything she could to make it up to Shiori, but it's not as easy as she thought

Shiori is sitting at a cafè when Sakura spots her

"Oh it's Shiori!"

Sakura approaches Shiori's table

"Hey Shiori" she smiles

Shiori puts down her tea then stares at Sakura

"You again?" she sighs

'Why can't she just take the hint? This is getting tiring'

"What do you want Sakura?" Shiori asks

"I just want to apologize for everything. Did you get the flowers I dropped off?" Sakura asks

"Just leave me alone Sakura" Shiori says seriously


"I already agreed for your daughter to connect with my husband, what else do you want from me?!" Shiori says

"I just want us to fix our relationship Shiori! Please let me make it up to you" Sakura says

"I already forgave you once Sakura, and you broke my trust. And now you want me to forgive you again?! How selfish can you be?!"

"I know it's a lot to ask but--"

"I could ruin your whole life, but I didn't. I even spoke with the reporters to refrain leaking the story. And now I even agreed to have your child connect with my husband, what else do you want?" Shiori says

'She's right. What I did is unforgivable. It's a miracle she's even talking to me'

"I really am sorry Shiori. Please, I want to go back the way we used to be, I swear that I'll never break your trust again"

"Let me tell you something, trust and friendship are like glass, when they shatter you can piece it back together, but the cracks will be there for good. It will never be the same ever again" Shiori says before standing up and leaving

Sakura just sits there, in total sadness

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