It's morning and I am trying to move out of bed. My body is frozen. My crotch is hurting still and I couldn't get any damn sleep. What am I going to do? I still can't work for this man after this. There's knocks on the door coming from the hallway. I manage to lift myself up and I can barely walk to the door. He was so rough with me. I finally open the door and it's one of the workers with flowers in their hands.
"Malita Jameson?"
"These are for you and we have some more." He says I move out the way as another person brings in some more flowers. This is all Joe I know it. He think flowers are going to make everything okay? No, it's not. I pack my bags. We have a flight to catch soon. Then I remember he has his own plane and pilot. I HATE IT HERE!!! I open my door and there's Joe standing eyes shot.
"Listen About last night..... I am so sorry. I was super drunk, I know that's not an excuse and I'm using it as one. That's not me, I do not force women to sleep with me I never have and last night was a new low for me. Please forgive me. I am deeply sorry. I actually like you and the fact that I did that to you it's killing me." He says sincerely.
I want to forget about last night but that's the only thing replaying in my mind. At first I couldn't form words I manage to get out, "Sorry doesn't change anything. You still did what you did even while I was begging you."
"I'll do anything to make it up to you somehow. Tell me what I need to do." He pleads, never saw him pleas before so this is new-well he did rape me so.
"Turn yourself in. But we both know you ain't gonna do that so. There's nothing you can really do. I want to forget about it, I just want to go home." I plan on quitting as soon as we hit USA. I wasn't going to do it while in Mexico just in case he decided to leave me here.
"I will make this right I promise."
I should quit after what he did but, I am scared he will make it hard for me to get another job. He May blacklist me. He drops me off at my house and I ran straight to my room pass Stephanie. I don't have time for her 21 questions. I cried myself to sleep.
I woke up to my phone going off continuously. I reach for it on the night stand by my bed and see that I have over 30 notifications including miss calls from Joe, Stephanie, texts from Joe, Amanda and Stephanie. Why am I so damn popular today? Stephanie just wants to know about my trip to Mexico and I'm not telling her. She's gonna have to ask joe that. I don't know why she's so stuck on him he doesn't want her. He talks to every women available. She states she's single but acts like she's with him. I don't care she just need to leave me alone about it.
Malita I am so sorry that I did that to you. I know I can be an asshole sometimes but I am not a monster and I know what I did prove otherwise. I beg for you forgiveness. Please. I have called you several times and I don't do this. Please forgive me I am not a monster.
- JoePlease answer your phone
- JoeMalita please
- JoeI'm going to give you your space, but please call me or answer my call
JoeThis man is being a nerve. I can tell he is sincerely sorry but, I can never forget what he did. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to forgive him. Guess time will tell.
__It's been about 6 weeks and I have decided to stay working for the company but, he had to give me a position where I am not dealing with him directly. He agreed which he had to and I'm keeping my salary so work has been wonderful if you ask me except for my damn drowsiness, and always feeling like I have to fucking throw up.
Stephanie opens my office door and sits in the chair, "So you have been avoiding me Malita, forever now. I know finding out we have the same father is rough but I didn't know. We were best friends before and now that you're my sister-"
"We aren't sisters." I correct her.
"I didn't do anything to you Malita it's not fair that suddenly we aren't friends."
"I cant look at you and not think about all the stuff I could of had growing up. When I look at you all I see is that bastard that left me in the system and went to have his own family. Even though you didn't know I can't stand the sight of you. Sorry but I'm not sorry. I'll be moving too so." I told her. I feel vomit filling my lungs I rush to the trash bin and let it all out. I wipe my mouth with tissue, "Now isn't it time for you to be all over Joe- who don't want you. Get out my office please."
"You're such a bitch."
"I have been told." I brush her off. I ran back to the bin and threw up.
Knocks on the door and a head pop in, it's Joe person I don't want to see. "Ugh What do you want?"
He steps in with flowers and chocolate, chips, several flavors of juices, and tacos. He's lucky I am starving. "Got these for you." He says nervously. He places them on my desk, "Umm I didn't know what kind of juice you like so I got a variety, I notice you chowing down tacos so I figured confort food, and who doesn't love chocolate?"
"And the flowers? You may want to give them to Stephanie she clearly thinks ya together. So you need to tell her how you feel about her so she can shut up about it." I told him eating a peppermint.
"It's just sex with Stephanie I told her that already. You deserve flowers and so much more. I came to bring you these. You look beautiful by the way, different- which is good. Not that you don't look good any other time. Imma go now." He stumbles then leaves.
I eat the tacos which was a bad idea because it all came up and I fell out on the desk.
Given Black Roses
FanfictionMalita grew up in a group home since the age of 5. Once her father left her mother her mother gave her up because she no longer wanted her. Malita went through her life feeling unloved and unwanted. Her scapegoat was going to college soon as she gra...