Author's Note Full disclosure

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Hey team, many apologies that I have let the updates slip again however pretty valid reason this time. With all the shit in the world at the moment (And I will take this moment to hope that you are all safe and well...albeit not happy Im sure) it now means I am working from home with a 16 month old and has made things incredibly difficult to get any writing done. I am trying to fix this ASAP and hope to have something out in the next few days but please stick with me here.


P.S seriously how messed up is this? hit me up with your current situation country wise if you are up for it. I am in Australia and we are in a semi lockdown.. insane times.

P.P.S Carole Baskin definitely killed her husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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