Chapter 2

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I walked out of the bus to find the school was huge never thought it would be so big all the kids were walking at a fast pace trying to get inside I looked trough my bag to find my schedule sheet and my phone. I turned my phone on and looked at the time it was 8:16 school started at 8:40 I had a little time so I walked in to find my locker. it took me a couple minutes but I found it. I dropped off my books and started to walk to class. Once I found it I sat down at my desk and started to look on Instagram for fun. I saw some of my old friends pictures and started to turn sad. The bell rang making me turn back to reality. All the students walked in making me feel a little awkward, so I stayed silent. I looked at the door to see a girl with beautiful ginger hair put into a fancy braided bun. She wore a white shirt with a purple floral shirt and some white flats. She walked over to me with a friendly smile.
" hello my name Anna." She said
" hi " I said trying to sound happy
" do you mind if I sit beside you." She asked
" don't mind at all." She sat Down and the teacher started to teach us about math :/.
After a while me and Anna started to chat and she invited me to sit with her and her friends at lunch and I accepted . Anna was so happy all the time it made me kinda be happy the bell rang and it was finally lunch, YAY. Me and Anna headed down to the cafeteria to find a table with a 5 other girls. I walked over felling shy. " guys this the new girl astrid" I waved my hand not saying anything" astrid this elsa my sister" she had platinum hair but into a braid." Merida" she had frizzy red hair that was full of knots." Rapunzal" she had beautiful blond hair that was all the way down to ther back with bangs covering everything down to her eyes.
"And finally heather." She had long black hair with a yellow sun dress." Hi." I said." They all said hi and welcome me to the group. We talked and ate. To be honest I feel like we have became very good friends, mostly because that's what they said. The bell rang and I walked off to my advanced music class with Elsa, Anna and rapunzal. We walked in and sat down in rows. The bell rang and the students ran in taking there seats. I looked around at these people but only one caught my eye a boy. He had messy brown hair with tiny little braids, I didn't notice before but he was staring at me with his beautiful emerald eyes, wait ! Astrid what are you talking about.
My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher .
" alright class let's get our assignments."
" I didn't make an assignments." I whispered to elsa." Well you just started today maybe you can just play one of your songs that you know by heart." She whispered back. I nodded and listened to the first assignment.
Okay first up " Elsa and Anna." The teacher yelled out at his whispering
They walked down the isle and started to unpack there instruments.
There song was so beautiful it was like a song of the happiest things you could possibly think of.
Time went by kids performed there songs and everybody here is so talented...
" okay I think that as everybody...." They teacher looked around and saw me." Wait who are you !?"" I'm Astrid." I said trying to hind my face." I'm new here, just started today."" Well come here do you have any songs you know ?"" Not really." I said." Your free this time but next time your up first." The teacher said giving me the finger. The bell rang and everyone left. Yes the day is over. I walked out of the school looking for my bus when I realized my mom was sitting there with my little sister hazel in her white car. I walked over and hoped in."
" hey mom."
" hey sweet heat how was your first day?" My mom asked while putting the car into gear and driving off." Good." I pulled my phone out and started texting Elsa, Anna and punzie.
( when texting ill put there first letter of there name behind the text )
Hey (A)
Hey (An)
Hey (E)
Hey ( P)
You guys want to come over tonight and work on our song assignment ? ( AN)
Sure (P)
What assignment ? ( A)
Ohhh you can join us if you want astrid ( E )
Okay ( A )
" hey mom can I go to a friends house to work on a project."
" sure where does she live ?"
" 162 Arendalle drive ."
And so they went to Elsa's and Anna's house.

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