Love is in the air ❤️

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(Btw artwork not mine, credits to original artist)

Nobody's pov:

Winter had finally arrived, it was snowing outside and the Titans had nothing better to do so they suggested going outside to make the most of it. Of course not all of them were happy about it. "I do not go outside and play in this freezing weather." Damian stated with a trivial expression. "C'mon Damian, it'll be fun, or are you too scared to go outside in the snow?" Jaime challenged. "No of course not, I'm not afraid of anything, it is just a waste of time."   "Have you got anything better to do?" Connor asked. "Touché." Donna added. "Yes in actual fact I could be training or reading Dickens." Damian replied sternly. "We are not just superheroes, we are also teens who should enjoy our lives outside of fighting, together." Garfield pointed out. Damian and Raven both looked disapprovingly through the window at the white blanket of glistening snow coating the trees and concrete. "I suppose it wouldn't be too bad." Raven said turning to Damian for his verdict. "Fine, but only for a little while." The rest of the Titans immaturely yelled "yay!" And went to put on their coats and scarves. Damian and Raven followed but a bit less enthusiastically. "Would you like to join me outside in this beautiful snow?" Kori asked with a smile that Dick couldn't resist. "Alright." Dick replied grabbing their coats. The titans ran outside and started jumping in the snow and making snow angles. "They seem so happy and appreciative of this cold weather." Kori said to Dick. "Yeah I suppose fighting bad guys all the time doesn't leave us with much spare time to have fun." "OMG look at Damian, he doesn't look very happy." Kori laughed making Dick laugh to. Kori laid down in the snow and started making a snow angel. "We never had snow on Tamaran, it was very hot." She stated. Dick laid  down next to her and looked into her enticing green eyes. "Well it hasn't been snowing a lot  around here either." He agreed. The two young adults leaned in and kissed passionately , forgetting all the troubles they've had to face over the past week and letting themselves feel happy.

The titans watched their idles making out in the snow and giggled. "Looks like those two are having a nice time." Raven teased. "Maybe having too much fun." Donna added when Kori was lying on top of Dick and the kissing got a bit deeper. Garfield went up to the love birds and knelt down next to them without them realising, being to occupied with each other. "Errrm excuse me..." Garfield tapped Kori's shoulder making her jump. "Gar what are you doing!" Kori shouted nearly hitting him in the face. The titans laughed, surprisingly  including Damian. The two young adults blushed, seeing all of the Titans looking at them. Kori and Dick got up awkwardly and much to their relief the intrigued titans found something else to put their attention on.

Donna and Connor were making a snowman. "What's it's name gonna be?"Donna asked. "Let's call him Damian." Connor joked, followed by the two teens laughing. Donna mockingly drew a big frown on the snowman with her finger. The two of them kept laughing until Damian ran up and kicked the snowman, destroying their masterpiece. They looked up stunned at Damian who had a smirk plastered on his cold face. "Ok for once Damian's mean actions are justified, you guys deserved that." Jaime admitted. Raven and Garfield were laughing their heads off in the background. "Errrm Sorry Damian." Donna apologised. Connor gave him a apologetic look. "No worries, I apologise for destroying Damian." Damian replied. "I'm strangely flattered that you named a snowman after me." He admitted. 

A little while later... Raven and Damian where sitting in the snow talking about their favourite food. "I love those Japanese mochi ." Raven stated. "You should be careful when eating that Japanese delicacy, it can get stuck in your throat leading to suffocation, in 2015 nine people died because of that dessert." Damian warned. "Wait what? Mochi is a deadly dessert?" "Yes if you eat it in big pieces without chewing it properly." " You learn something new every day." Raven replied. A small flake of snow landed on Ravens nose, Damian flicked it off , accidentally flicking the demoness on the nose. "Ouch!" She snarled. Damian just started laughing at the irritated girl sitting next to him. "My apologies that was not meant to happen." He apologised sincerely. He pecked her nose as a gesture asking for forgiveness. She then pointed to her lips "It hurts here too." "I didn't even touch your lips." He said but he kissed her anyway. The two kissed passionately, secretly relieved that they decided to go outside, the setting was quite romantic. They then looked up and saw a mistletoe hanging gracefully above them. "Well you know what they say." Raven said bringing her eyes back to the boy who would usually hate the idea of being romantically involved with someone. Damian smiled at the radiant demoness.

Donna and Conner were enjoying each other's company . "This snowy weather is beautiful, unlike anything I've experienced before." Donna said looking up at the white sky. "You never had snow on themaskara?" Connor asked the Amazon. "No it is a warm paradise island made by the gods, the weather always stayed the same." "Do you miss it there?" He asked. "Sometimes, I miss my sisters and the peace and quite and tranquility, it was also lush and the skies were not polluted by machines and cities and factories. But I'm very happy here, with the beautiful scenery and culture and cuisine. I love my alter ego who saves lives and protects my home and also being myself, a teenage girl living with her friends in an awesome tower. I have made wonderful memories I'll never forget, including this one with you."   "Then let's make it memorable." Connor stated putting his cold hand on hers. She smiled at him and said "I couldn't of asked for a better person to spend this time with."   "Donna, we've been friends for over a year now and I like you a lot an...." Connor was cut off by Donna crashing her lips on his kissing him with fire that heated up his whole body. He was stunned at her bold move but eagerly returned the kiss, adding as much passion as he could. They finally separated and stared  at each other in awe and shock at their intimate action. They then simultaneously blushed and found something else to look at. "That was... amazing." Connor stated. "Yes I have never kissed anyone before but I can't say I won't do it again." Donna laughed. "Then maybe we could do it sometime soon." Connor agreed. She snuggled up to him and they let each other process what just happened, enjoying each other's company. 

Jaime and Garfield were the only two left standing, all the others went off to do there own things. "I love snow!" Garfield stated, rolling around in the glittering blanket of snow that enveloped his entire body , with his eyes and nose sticking out. "How are you not freezing to death?" Jaime asked , shivering at the bitterness. "It's an animal thing."    "Well I'm freezing and I think that's the scarab's thing." Jaime rubbed his arms to warm himself up. Garfield turned into a snow leopard and leaped around gracefully in content. Jaime laughed at Garfield's behaviour and allowed himself to loosen up a little. The two friendly teens played in the snow unlike the others who were making out in it. After a little while the titans found their way back to each other and hung around for a bit. Damian got bored and discretely picked up a snow ball and put a rock in it and threw it at Dick. "Ouch!" He yelped after the snow ball successfully hit its target on the shoulder. Dick realised the snow ball had a rock that was hidden in it and looked disapprovingly at the boy wonder. "Ive been violated!" He said in mock pain. Kori being Kori, did not understand the sarcasm and thought he was genuinely very hurt. "Oh no Dick are you ok?" She fussed. "Honey I'll be fine." "Who did this to you?" She asked getting angry. "Damian." Kori picked up a massive snow ball and being able to fly, she used that to her advantage and she dropped the killer snow ball from high in the air on Damian and knocked him flying on the ground with a big heap of snow covering his face. The titans were paralysed with sheer laughter and spent a solid three minutes laughing at the boy wonder that had karma catch up with him. He angrily wiped the snow off his face and threw snowballs at all of the Titans, hitting them all in the faces (except for Raven, of course he wasn't gonna throw a snow ball in her face, so he threw one at her stomach instead) and then the beginning of world war three started in the snow. They all attacked each other and spent a couple hours just throwing snow balls at each other until they were satisfied. The teens and two young adults then decided to go indoors and settle down and warm up. After getting changed in their night wear , Kori made all of them a hot chocolate with massive towers of cream and stuffed full of marshmallows, just how they liked it. They all binged watched random Netflix series including Titans which they enjoyed the most and they looked down on the Marvel series in contempt (big surprise there.) They enjoyed their time together not being heroes but being their teenage selves.

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