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Damian's pov:

Raven was upset, I understand why, Donna and Garfield were hurt on our mission putting the Squad behind bars. If you ask me, I thought it was a bit low using their abilities to steal but what did I expect from freelance murderers with a deranged leader. I knew that I had to talk to Raven, but apart of me wanted to avoid seeing her this way, she never gets upset no matter how much she goes through, it's one of many qualities she has that I admire. She is a strong willed person, but her weakness is her teammates, she cares so dearly for them, they have given her a home and a family and a purpose. Once I got to the tower, Connor and Jaime left to get changed so I seized the opportunity to talk to her and make her feel better.

"Raven." "Please... just leave me alone." "I think we should talk-" "I don't want to talk!" I was surprised at her sudden outburst, this wasn't like her. "I'm sorry." "It's ok, just hear me out." "Ok." "Raven, I apologise if I upset you, it must of sounded like I didn't really care but I do. But you should consider the benefit to us and a lot of people, locking the Squad away. They were running around carelessly killing innocent people, and terrorising our cities which we have to protect no matter what the cost. That's our job, protecting people from lunatics like them and we did. It's unfortunate that our team mates got injured, but that's what we have trained and prepared for, they will get better." "They got hurt and just for a setup that the Green arrow made, and he left us to deal with them when he was capable of doing it himself or at least helping us, it was a stupid and careless plan." "It was selfish, making us do his dirty work but I'm sure he had good reasons but it's happened now and we can't do anything about it so we have to move past this. Please understand." "I do, I'm sorry that I overreacted, I was just afraid of my friends being hurt." She admitted sincerely. "I get it, I worry for their health as well." She hugged me tightly, letting a few tears fall from her puffy eyes. We sat together for a little while, at that moment, the one thing that I held most precious to me was her.

Donna's pov:

"Did Raven seem upset to you?" I asked no one in particular. "Yeah when she came in I noticed she looked a bit sad." Dick replied.  "I think she was sad because you and Gar got hurt, Damian's talking to her now." Jaime told us. "Oh ok, I hope she's alright." I said.  "It's only sixty seven days until Christmas!" Garfield exclaimed randomly, looking up from his phone. "Dude, don't tell me you have that Christmas count down app on your phone." Connor responded.  "Yes I get it every Fall."  "Have you forgot that Halloween is coming up soon?" Kori asked. "Oh yeah, I haven't thought about what I'm going to be this year!"  "I'm so looking forward to having a party and going Trick or Treating!" I exclaimed. "Aren't you too old for that by now?" Damian asked, walking into the room with Raven.  "No! We're never too old to celebrate Halloween." Garfield replied.  "C'mon  it'll be so much fun!" Kori said.  "Well if you still want a party then we can have one." Dick promised. "Yay!" Garfield yelled immaturely. "Raven are you ok?" I asked. "I'm fine thanks, what about you? You got hit pretty bad."  "I'm ok, I heal quite quickly so I should be back to normal tomorrow."  "That's good to hear."  "I think I'm fully healed." Garfield said. "Well, you should rest for a while anyway." Jaime suggested, not so easily convinced. "Fine."

It was getting late, Kori and Dick decided to treat us to a takeaway so we chose KFC and it was so delicious. We got ready for bed, the usual night routine and I decided to go to the roof of the tower for some fresh air, it's a great place to go to have some alone time. I sat on the ledge, dangling my legs off the edge of the building, which I wouldn't of done if I didn't have my flying abilities. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump a little. "Sorry if I scared you, I saw you up here and wanted to join you." Raven spoke softly. "It's fine." I replied, patting on the empty space next to me for her to sit on. "I like to come up here to watch the sun set or just to be away from Garfield's talking." She joked, making me giggle.  "True. Are you sure you are alright?" I asked.  "I'm fine, I just hate to see my best friend get hurt."  "I appreciate your concern but I heal quickly, remember that."  "I will. How are you and Connor relationship wise?"  "Why'd you ask?" "I was just wondering if you've ever had a disagreement."  "Yeah, we disagree about a lot of things, this morning we were having a debate on the benefits of being vegan."  "Oh."  "Has something happened between you and Damian?"  "Not really."  "Well me and Connor disagree on a lot of things but the biggest, most important thing we never disagree on is being together. Sure we have stayed in the same status in our relationship for quite a while, but we are happy together and it's worth any hurdles."  "That was sweet, I bet Connor would of loved to hear you say that."  "You and Damian have been through so much together but your relationship is so strong."  "Thanks Donna, for being there for me and being such a good friend."  "No problem, that's what friends are for. I should be going to bed soon."  "Yeah, I'll come with you." She said, getting up and offering her hand out to me.

Meanwhile... (Connor's pov:)

I managed to convince Damian to play a video game. "Ha ha you died!" I exclaimed. "This is so unrealistic, if it were real life, I would have eliminated her ages ago." "I'm not so sure about that!" "She's just a mad old woman." "That was a mean thing to say to Granny." I joked. "Try again, Damian." "I don't get it, it allows me to go through these doors but not this one." "That's because you need to unlock it with a key." "This is a shitty horror game, she is not even scary." "She is to most normal people, but I suppose your not a normal person though." "Yes, I'm superior to normal people due to my capabilities." "Your a bit full of yourself!" "And your not?" "Point taken." "I've got the tranquilliser, after I shoot her, how long is she out?" He asked. "Around two minutes, you should have enough time to get the padlock key which was in the kitchen cabinet and the front door key to get out." After some frustrated cursing from Damian and a lot more attempts at the game, he finally opened the door and escaped. "Finally! I'm not ever playing this game again." He exclaimed. "Yeah I'm sorry man, but you are absolutely shit at playing video games!" He didn't reply, he would never admit defeat. "It's time to go to bed." Kori said, peeping her head through my bedroom door. "Just five more minutes?" I asked. "It's been a long day, you need to sleep." She replied. "So is that a no?" "Yes." She responded sternly before leaving us to get ready. "You heard the woman, I'm going to brush my teeth." Damian said before opening the door. "Goodnight." I said. "See you in the morning." He replied, leaving me to get ready for bed. A few minutes later Donna came in. "Just wanted to check on you." She said. "Me and Damian were playing GRANNY." "I bet he wasn't as good as me!" "Your right, he was shit." We laughed at the idea of Damian Wayne being shit at something. "I talked to Raven, it's been a while since we've talked on the roof together." "Sounds nice, we've been having a lot of friendly bonding time recently." "Can I have a sleepover in your room tonight?" She asked, giving me the puppy dog eyes that she knows I can't resist. "Sure, but don't let Kori find out your sleeping here tonight or she'll flip." "Alright." Donna was already wearing her pyjamas, and had brushed her teeth. She got into the sheets next to me and gave me a kiss. "Good night babe." "Good night lover boy."

Damian and Raven coincidentally had the same idea.
Raven's pov:

"Damian, can I stay in your room with you tonight?" "Fine, just don't tell Grayson or he'll make my life a living hell." "My lips are sealed." I climbed into his bed, lying next to him and trying to secretly check him out with no top on. "Raven, I know I'm a sight to behold, but your making me blush." He joked, making me look away in embarrassment. He laughed and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you, Raven." "I love you to."

Dick's pov:

"What are you reading?" I asked, getting into bed next to Kori. "Sanditon." "Your a Jane Austen fan?" "Her books are amazing!" "What's your favourite book?" "Pride and Prejudice." "That's a great read." "Garfield seems to be doing well, he has a concussion but he's a lot better than he was earlier." "That's great. Donna should take it easy tomorrow, her leg is still in pain." "Yes, maybe we should just stay at home tomorrow." "That's a good idea." "Night night, Dick." "See you in the morning."

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