Trick ot treat!

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"Happy Halloween!" Kori declared, stepping down a step ladder and admiring the bunting she put up. "Happy Halloween!" Connor replied. "I'm so excited for this year, I'm going to be a zombie school girl!" Donna exclaimed. "Remember last year when you were a vampire?" Connor asked. "Yeah let's not bring that up, I looked so bad." "This year I'm going to be a ghost." Garfield said. "Cool, What are you going to be, Damian?" Jaime asked. "Myself, I'm scary enough as it is." Damian answered. "Cmon Damian, don't be a spoil sport!" Garfield responded. "I'm sixteen, there is no way in hell that I'm going to dress up like a lame fairytale character for stupid celebration." "Dude that was a bit extreme. What about you Raven?" Jaime asked. "Well since I'm not overly bothered this year I'm just going to be what I'm good at, a witch." "Fair enough." "What do you think about the decorations?" Kori asked. "Better than last years, definitely a lot more tasteful." Damian replied. "Thanks Damian." "Babe they look great! Does anyone want some breakfast?" Dick asked. "Yes please I'm starving." Connor replied. After eating some breakfast, the Titans decided to go to the nearest shopping mall to buy costumes. "These robot people are getting more scary every year." Donna said. "The technology is improving." Damian agreed. "What Satan costume should I go for?" Jaime asked. "That ones more realistic." Raven replied, pointing to a red demon costume. "I was thinking of being Morticia Addams." Kori said. "That's a great choice, I'm going to be a zombie school boy." Connor responded. "That's so cute, we can be a zombie couple!" Donna exclaimed. "Can we try some costumes on?" Donna asked. "Go ahead." Dick answered. Connor and Donna came out in their matching costumes. "Guys you look wonderful!" Kori exclaimed. "The blood looks quite unrealistic." Damian stated bluntly. Raven nudged him and gave him a look. Garfield and Jaime walked out of the changing rooms wearing their costumes. "Great choice, you should buy those." Raven complemented. "Thanks Rae, I look like a very sexy ghost." Garfield said, making Damian cringe. "Please don't give that look or you will actually scare the other kids off!" Dick joked. "Kori, Dick, you should try your costumes on." Jaime changed the subject. "Okay." Kori replied, entering the changing room. Dick decided to be Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th with his hockey mask. Raven bought a witch hat and tights as she already had gothic shoes, dresses, makeup and a cloak at home. As they were going to the checkout, Raven spotted a long Vampire cloak and put it over Damian's shoulders. "You look amazing, please be a vampire!" Raven exclaimed. He gave her a look of disapproval making her laugh. "It suits you." He shook his head. "Damian you look very scary as a vampire." Kori agreed. "Please man we're all wearing costumes." Connor added. "Please.. for me?" Raven asked. With a sigh of defeat, Damian decided to shut them up and buy the damn cloak.

When they got home, they finished decorating the interior of the tower and finished preparing the food for the guests.They got changed into their costumes and Raven decided to do Damian's face paint. "No fake blood." Damian said. "Fine, but can I do a little black eyeshadow?" "Just a little." "Okay." "I'm mad at myself for letting you lot make me into a fool." Damian admitted. "What's wrong with a bit of fun, we're all wearing stupid costumes but it's only one day a year." "I don't understand the point of this celebration, people dressing up in stupid costumes and going around and harassing people for sweets." Raven laughed at Damian's brutally honest remarks. "True, but why the fuck not?" This time it was Damian's turn to laugh. Raven added some finishing touches to Damian's look and smiled at her unpleased boyfriend. He looked in the mirror and then back at Raven. "It doesn't look too bad, I didn't expect it to look that realistic." Damian said honestly. "Great, let's go down stairs." "Raven?" "Yeah?" "You look nice, for a witch." "Thanks Damian."

When they got down stairs everyone had arrived and were partying and drinking fruit punch. Raven only invited her two friends Clara and Nicole who were her only old school friends. "Hey Raven!" Nicole exclaimed. "Hey, it's good to see you." Raven replied. "It's good to see you too, it's been a while." Clara responded. "Yeah it has." "I like your new hair colour." Raven complemented. "Thanks, I wanted a new look." Nicole replied. "Who's this?" Clara asked. "Oh sorry, this is my boyfriend Damian, Damian this is my old school friends, Clara and Nicole." Raven introduced them. "Nice to meet you Damian." They said, shaking his hand. "I'm going to get something to eat, it was nice meeting you." He said. "I'll be right behind you." Raven responded as Damian left. "It's nice to hear you have a boyfriend, he seems nice." Clara said. "Yeah, and you used to say that no boy will ever want to be with you, but we knew that wasn't true." Nicole added. "Thanks guys, I guess I was proven wrong." "We're really pleased you are well Raven, I hope he makes you happy." Clara admitted. "He does. He's so respectful yet attentive to me, I'm so grateful that I'm with him, I probably don't even deserve such a kind boyfriend like Damian." "Yes you do, you deserve the best boyfriend ever who will make you really happy, you deserve it after what you've been through with school." Nicole told her. "Thanks guys I hope you are both well too. I'm going to join Damian, see you later?" "Alright, have fun."

"You ok?" Raven asked. "I'm fine, I just don't like party's very much." Damian replied, handing Raven a plate of food. They sat on the stools in the kitchen, away from the teens dancing and messing around. "Thanks. Have you invited any friends?" "No." "Oh." "I haven't really had much of an opportunity to make friends but I prefer to know just my family and the Titans. "Fair enough." "Your friends seem like very good people." "They are. They were the only people who were there for me when I got bullied at school a couple years ago." "I know that you wanted some space and wanted to go to school for extra education, but why didn't you tell any one you were getting bullied?" Damian asked. "I guess I just didn't want to burden the people who have done so much for me, my problems." "I'm sorry that I wasn't a likeable person you could of talked to back then." "It's fine, you joined the Titans a little while before I left the school anyway, so it doesn't really matter. Besides, I've been through hell so a bunch of bitchy school girls I can handle." Raven responded. At that moment, the door swung open and Damian's facial expression turned into a scowl. "What's wrong?" "Look." Raven looked at the entrance and standing there was Damian's adopted brothers Jason Todd and Tim Drake. Damian didn't get on well with his brothers, especially Jason. Damian got up and walked over to Jason and Tim who were dressed up as Freddy Krueger and Pennywise. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked harshly. "It's good to see you too, demon spawn. We couldn't miss out on a Halloween party." Jason replied. Damian scowled. "Grayson invited you here, didn't he?" "Yeah he did." Tim responded. "You came to a teens Halloween party to have fun?" Damian asked sarcastically. "Yes but also this is the perfect place to get high and smuggle in boos and mess around with some minors." Jason whispered. Tim looked at him with a shocked expression. "Your fucked up, you know that?" Damian snarled. "Well yes I obviously know that, and what I meant was, sell some pills to minors, not fuck them if that's what you thought." "How is that any better?" Damian snapped. "I'm not that low, bro take a chill pill. I actually have one if you want one it's in my mask." Jason replied. Damian gave him another sour expression. "I'm gonna have some food I'm starving." Tim changed the subject. "Me too, bye baby bat."

Damian sighed and went back over to Raven who was pouring herself some fruit punch. "That didn't sound good." Raven remarked. "Grayson invited them, knowing how much I dislike Jason." "I suppose he just wanted to be a nice brother, maybe you should get to know them more and you might start to like them." "Definitely not." "I get it, he's a dick. Wanna dance?" Raven asked. "I'm not sure." Raven grabbed Damian's hand and snaked through the groups of people to the middle of the room where another group of people where dancing. Raven held Damian's hands and started dancing to the beat of the music. Damian didn't like dancing, it made him feel uncomfortable. "Loosen up!" Raven shouted over the loud music. Damian danced a little but still found it extremely awkward. Then a slow dance came on and Raven put one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. Damian was taught to slow dance by his mother for when they occasionally had special guests round. "Your really good at this!" Raven complemented. "Thanks." After a few hours, everyone started to leave to go home. Raven caught up with her friends and Damian had to talk to a few people. After everyone left, the Titans decided to go trick or treating, except for Damian and Raven who didn't want to go. They liked the peace and quiet and made a start tidying the room. Raven found a smuggled bottle of champagne and opened it. "I don't think that's a good idea." Damian warned. "Cmon, just a glass, it'll be nice." "Raven, we are under aged." "And since when have you gave a shit about the law?" Damian hesitated and thought for a second before replying with, "Just a glass, and that's it." "Okay." However one glass became two and then they drank more glasses until they finished the whole bottle. "Oh shit, we drank the whole thing!" Raven slurred. "It tasted good though." Damian slurred back. They laughed and went to get some fresh air when Raven fell over. "You ok?" Damian asked seriously. Raven laughed. "I'm fine! You should of seen you face though!" After a few minutes of mucking around, it turned into heated making out on the kitchen counter. "Let's go upstairs, we've got the house to ourselves!" Raven exclaimed, dragging Damian up the stairs and into her bedroom. The heated make out escalated and before they knew it they had already had sex and were asleep in Raven's bed.
The Titans got home from trick or treating with full bags of sweets. "That was so fun!" Garfield exclaimed. "We've got so many sweets." Kori replied as she opened the front door. "Guys we're home!" Connor declared, but no one answered. "They've probably gone to sleep, it's been a long day, let's let them rest." Dick said. The other teens started to feel sleepy too so they all went to bed. As Dick and Kori started to go up the stairs, he tripped on an empty champagne bottle. "It's probably Jason's , I expected something like this from him." Dick said. "I'll chuck it away." Kori replied, grabbing the bottle and putting it in the recycling bin.

It was morning and Kori decided to wake Damian and Raven up, she went to Raven's room first. "Good morning Raven!" She exclaimed opening the door, only to find that Damian was in there too. "Oh my god!"

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