Dark magic 🔮

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Raven's pov:
It's been a while since I've been on a mission, or even used my magic. This city's been pretty safe so there hasn't been any missions recently. I've had a lot of time to meditate, it's helped me calm down when I get a bit anxious about what happened. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for what I did and I will never forget it, after all, I murdered someone. And a bad person or not, she didn't deserve to die. The jewel on my forehead has been glowing and I feel my father like he is banging on the walls of a prison cell in my head. I heard him talk the other day, and it was actually painful feeling his power conflicting mine.   RAVEN, YOUR MORTAL SIN HAS DAMAGED YOU, YOUR SO PATHETIC.  He said.
I just replied with a "Fuck off." But the negative of having him in my head is that he literally is in my head, he can feel my emotions, sometimes read my thoughts and is always with me, making me depressed with mental abuse where ever I go. I'm afraid that eventually he might actually take control of me, of what I think or do. Or even worse he'll escape and destroy the world. I will die before I let that happen. I have a strong feeling that he has something to do with the dark magic I experienced when I killed Killer Frost. I'm going to find out and make sure I never experience magic as dark as that ever. My powers original source is magic, and I inherited my abilities from daddy dearest.

Damian asked me if I wanted to go on a date, so obviously I said yes! Who wouldn't want to go on a date with Damian Wayne? Surprisingly this is actually going to be my first date with Damian so this is going to be interesting. We are going to eat at a local Italian restaurant in town. The other Titans have made arrangements with friends and will be out for a little while, which leaves Kori and Dick home alone. I don't even want to think about what they will be doing with a few hours to themselves.

One hour later...

"Pick that one you look stunning!" Donna squealed with excitement as I admired myself in the mirror in a dress to wear on my first date. "You look truly breathtaking!" Kori agreed.  "I'm not sure about this one guys." I replied looking at the sparkly red dress in the reflection. I was going to just wear a comfy sweater with jeans, but somehow Donna and Kori convinced me to dress up for this evening and here I am trying on dress options. "Try this one." Kori responded grabbing an elegant purple dress and holding it up to her body. After getting it on I was actually pleasantly surprised. It was comfy and not revealing and looked flattering. "Gorgeous!" Donna exclaimed clapping her hands. I contemplated.
YOU LOOK SHIT.  Dad stated. "Actually I love it, I will wear this one!" I announced, in spite of my fathers unwanted opinion.

 "Actually I love it, I will wear this one!" I announced, in spite of my fathers unwanted opinion

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I went downstairs to be greeted by Damian. "You look lovely." He complemented. "Thank you." I replied with a blush on my cheeks.
I AM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO KILLING HIM. Father stated. I just ignored him, he is not going to ruin my date.
We arrived at the restaurant and got seated. The waitress gave us menu's and then left us to choose what we wanted. "I've got to admit, I've been very looking forward to going on a first date with you." I admitted. Damian smirked, pleased with what I said. "So have I." He replied quietly, being out of his comfort zone. "What was that?" I joked, pretending not to hear him. Damian chuckled and hit my arm with the menu. "Don't flatter yourself Raven."  "You just don't want to admit how much I've effected your pride." I joked, however it was actually true, I've noticed how much he has changed by the impact of his family and friends and our relationship. "Careful, you don't want to become conceited." He replied. "I think I'm going to order the pepperoni pizza." He added.  "Why don't we share it?" I suggested.  "Alright."   After half an hour of waiting, the waitress returned with a large pepperoni pizza and it looked delicious. I was starving so got straight in. Damian held in a laugh at my bad manners, but I couldn't care less I was so hungry.  "Pace yourself." He said after I started my fifth slice. "Sorry, having your energy drained by your demon dad can have its effects." I shouldn't of said that. I didn't want to get Damian involved with my personal affairs with my father. "What?" I looked away not knowing what to say.  "Raven what's going on? Is your father harming you? Talk to me."
"Don't worry he's not harming me, he's just being a nasty prick. He's been effecting my thoughts and I just feel a bit drained, it's like he's draining my energy somehow. But it's fine, I'm strong, it's nothing I can't handle." I explained.   "You can talk to me, I'm here for you, we are all here for you. Don't brush it off, mental abuse can be just as harmful as physical."  "Really, I'm absolutely fine. I'm just adjusting to the fact that he can communicate with me through my head."   "Well it's clearly effecting your appetite, what's stopping him from effecting your physical health as well. He can destroy the world, it's going to be one hell of a fight to keep him at bay but that's what we are here for, the least we can do is support you."    "Thanks Damian, for everything."   "Raven, you deserve everything. You have a massive responsibility and it makes me frustrated that I can't help you or take the pain and worries away."  "No, you have helped me far more than anyone else ever has, you are the person I look forward to seeing the very moment I wake up and you are the last person I think about before falling asleep. You are everything to me and I can't thank enough for being there for me, without you I don't know how I would cope." Damian looked taken aback by my meaningful words. He revealed a small smile that made my heart skip a beat. Looking at him made me want to look at him every day for the rest of my life. I know it sounds dramatic but brief moments like that make me want to fight for my life harder than ever. He gives me a glimmer of hope that brings out my happiness. With his support I think that maybe I actually have a shot at defeating my father.
THIS BOY IS MAKING YOU WEAK.  Father spat in disgust.  "No, he's making me stronger than ever." I reply and somehow I shut him up. I can faintly hear him yelling but it's like I turned him mute. I don't know how I did it but maybe I can control him, after all it is my head, I set the rules.

After a sincere date with Damian. We returned home and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. If felt so relieving just talking to my boyfriend and telling him how I feel. He suggested that I might be able to control this dark magic by getting some help from the magic users themselves, Zatanna and Constantine. I didn't feel comfortable with telling my team mates what's going on and Damian respected that so kept quiet about it. I decided to send the magic users a message asking for help. I tried a spell that I remember my mother using a long time ago. My mother was human but learnt how to create magic with the elements around her and I over heard her chanting a spell in a strange language. I didn't know what language it was until now. Somehow I remembered it and translated it. It was a language that the people of Azerath spoke. I chanted it three times and the flames of the candles that were in a circle around me lit. The flames danced to the music of my voice and I felt a breeze circling around me. I felt stable and in control which felt powerful, I let the power through my veins run to my fingertips and through my body. It felt intense but my body instantly relaxed after the spell was completed. I felt accomplishment after doing my first spell. Maybe I'm more of a mummy's girl than I thought.

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